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matching old elkies

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Today I got out and hiked and I mean HIKED!

I did happen to count over 95 Elk though, one very large 7x7 bull with a 360 class 6x6

Crap I decended like 2000 feet! as I approached the bottom of the canyon I sat and glassed the walls.

There I found at the top rocky rim a very large Cave.

Just outside the cave. . . these white antlers.

I hiked for two hours to get to them. My legs are jelly now.

I knew they weren't good ones, but the challenge presented itself so I took it.

After I picked up the sheds, I checked out the caves, turns out they were indian ruins. And they were full of bear crap! Yikes!

Inside of one of the caves was a fresh set of coues tracks as well. hmmm interesting indeed.

here are the chaulks and a small cell phone vid of the bigger ruin. Before you ask .. . . No I didn't take anything out of there either.




Thanks for lookin.

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yeah I was really trying to do some pre-drop scouting. I have picked up a few sets in that area before. Hopefully I get lucky some more.

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sounds like a honey hole for Bear, Elk and Deer...

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