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Spot & Stalk Archery Antelope 2018

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Day 1 Decoyed a good buck and his 8 doe to 65 yards. The grass swaying back and fourth and being it was 3 feet tall my range finder was giving me all kind of yardages and I shot over his back.

Day 2 Rain and more Rain managed to get within a 100 yards of buck but got busted trying to range him.

Day 3 Glassed my best spot for bucks but nothing. I had found bucks here every time during scouting but thought I was in trouble cause I never had seen a doe. I think the bucks had moved looking for doe.

Day 4 Had to be at home

Day 5 Glassed herd early and moved in using washes and drainages to belly crawl within 140 yards. The herd decided to move a mile and then bed down. Again I belly crawled to 108 yards and the booger taking off on a two mile trot. I get back on them before dark and miss a shot.

Day 6 Same herd had moved back 4 miles to same location as day 5. They move out and bed in wide open, no grass, no drainages nothing to use for a stalk. Finally they get up again and move towards some cover and bed down. I move in slow and have the buck and does at 90 yards only to have a doe get up start feeding and bust me.

Day 7 Glass up a solo buck looking for doe and watch as he makes a 2 mile loop only stopping for a minute at a time. While watching him I glass up my buck bedded in the wide open by himself. I ease over there and my buck is gone. I hike back up top and see he has moved to another bed  and is stalkable.

I move in nock an arrow and am looking for my shot when the buck gets up and starts feeding. I watch for a hour until he beds again. He decided to bed in a little shallow saddle about 90 yards wide. I slip the boots off and move in. I am coming in slightly higher than the saddle inch by inch looking for the buck. I see the tops of his horns under a little cedar and range the top of the tree. 55 yards!!!

I duck, draw my bow, walk two steps forward, rise up and hit him right through shoulder. Buck takes off with three legs and blood pumping makes it 91 yards and falls. I just got my first antelope spot&stalk. 

I quarter the buck snap a few bad solo pics and start the mile+ hike back to truck. Having not eating in 5 hours, the heat, and the water mix and I start puking shortly before reaching the truck. Its complete!! I had a blast, lost some weight, got some thorns in my feet and sun burn.


Ready to hang the bow up and enjoy some rifle hunts which I haven't done for myself in 9 years.

  • Great Buck! 1

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Wow way to go

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