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Coues Sniper

Holy browtines!!!

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Got back last week from Mexico, and was able to help my cousin (not the one who killed that monster Carp) kill his first Coues deer. We chased a big heavy 4 point i guessed would go about 110" for a couple days, but he wasn't able to close the deal. Last afternoon he put the smack-down on this great buck. He has some of the best brows I've seen on a Coues; both are well over 6" and they almost touch. He's basically a big 2 point with a small 3rd on his left and a kicker off his base on his right. I was pretty surprised when we put the tape on him and came up with 99 1/8"! He goes 96" as a 2 point! His mass and beams are what get him there (both beams are over 17") and of course those awesome brows. Not bad for his first Coues! Another buddy of mine killed a gorgeous 3 point that went 110 7/8", I'll see if he minds me putting his ugly mug on here and post those if he gives the OK. Hope all your hunts go well,





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That is a bada$$buck, congrats. ;)

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im guessing old buck, goin down hill?! If thats the case, can you imagine what that hog went in his prime!


Very nice hes awesome!

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Alright, i decided to post the other buck. He'll get over it. :lol: This guy made one of the best shots i've ever seen. This buck had bedded just after they spotted him at about 2:30 in the afternoon. He sat on him for over 2 hours waiting for him to get up but he never did, and the sun was going down so he decided he had to shoot him now out of his bed. The problem was he was at 518 yards and all he could see of the buck was the buck's jaw and ear thru about a 6" diameter hole thru a cedar. We had taken a steel target down there to make sure of our zero's and he had dusted the bullseye at 500 yards so that gave him a lot of confidence, plus he figured if he missed or hit a limb the buck would get up and he'd hopefully get another shot. He got proned out and squeezed the shot off and absolutely earholed him thru that opening dumping him on the spot! Unreal shot. Then as he was walking up to his deer, 2 coyotes showed up trying to get a free meal, and he dumped them at 350!!! :blink: Gotta love Mexico ;) . We taped him at 110 7/8", but he looks a lot bigger than that in person.


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