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The day is upon us! Let's hear the reports!

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Yeah, I saw him driving out of the last weekend's hunt.  Driving?!?  He and a buddy were cresting a hill, but that hill is hard to reach without walking a bit.  Was on the phone, talking to friend I hunt w/in Missouri, and I had to say a few  said  a few cuss words.   The two were doing that "crest a hill at dusk" thing the deer do.  Since then,  been practicing with the bow, getting righteous, and took a day off work, we will see...

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Heck, 12 pointers are hard just to find much less kill.  Think the most I've seen in person is a 10. 


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Well, my hunch didn’t pay off. Back at er again in the morning. Storms movin’ in. Hopefully it gets them on their feet. They’re still hitting at night

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Well, today was just slightly more exciting. Few groups of does and one of the smallest bucks i’ve ever seen came in. At least the action was fairly consistent. No storm today. Looks like tomorrow the temp is gonna drop about 10°. Should get the deer moving. The labor day crowd has moved in. I’m far enough in where it shouldn’t impact me but i’d welcome a little disturbance at this point to get them moving around.  More nice bucks hit again last night. Every buck that i figure is 5 years old or more seems to have gone 100% nocturnal. Spent the evening hiking out every drainage around my blind trying to find their water source. Still can’t find it. Closest permanent source is over a mile and about a 1,000’ elevation gain. I can’t imagine they all water there. Real head scratcher. 

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Good luck GG.  There's been so much rain they're probably getting plenty from the browse and don't need to water but every few days.  That'll allow them to range pretty far, especially the muleys.

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I agree that they get water from browse, but there are too many deer, year round in the area for there not to be a water source nearby. I guess that’s why it’s called hunting. Back at it tomorrow 

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Hunted up here by my place in Prescott yesterday evening and today.  Probably saw some where in between 15-20 muleys.  Only spike bucks, nothing to hang a tag on.  Saw quite a few spotted fawns with their mamas.  Love seeing the little ones!  Great time of year to sit in a tree

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An 8 pt, little but nice, turned away from a certain death at 80 yards or so.  Followed him and a doe, and ended up down the hill.  Set up an ambush.  Then, I saw two bigger ones, far off and high, And then of course it was 630 in the evening, and that was that.

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Just learning how to post pic's etc. One of  a "herd" of about 15 I spotted over labor day weekend. Running from the crowds. Was going to head back

up this weekend but the back had different ideas so I'm on injured reserve for a short bit. Mostly does 8-9  a couple of these I call millennials,and one or two larger

bucks I only got a glimpse of in the bushes.


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