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people selling hunting spots on line....your thoughts

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19 minutes ago, lancetkenyon said:

That is not what he is saying.  Jeez, relax.  He is saying you can't hack making to his spot and back out.


This site not be the best suited to your temperament.

that not how I read it.....and well I have NEVER threaten ANYONE EVER ON WEB Page....people can have differing opinions but that does not make it acceptable to threaten people....how about civil discourse, some of these guy are acting like I have lost my mind at the same time that MANY western states have banned the use of cameras, limited the use of cameras, and banned selling hunting spots on line...I was just bringing that discussion here....I started hunting in AZ in 1982, back when you could draw an archery elk tag every year....but now with 7 million people living in AZ and same amount of game, hunting opportunities have declined, thats life, but in addition there are other things that are degrading hunting that if AZ enacted the same laws as other states, might improve the hunting conditions in AZ, or we DO NOTHING and watch hunting continue to decline in AZ

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While I personally do not agree with game cameras on every water source in an entire unit, at this time, it is not illegal.  And G&F discussed banning them, but it did not go through.  So, figure out where they bed, or travel, or feed, and hunt there.  Get off the roads, even one ridge, and you will see 50% more game than the game cameras see.

It is tough to determine the meaning of printed word if you are already in a defensive state.  I see no threats in the post.  Veiled or otherwise.  

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Continue to decline? Good maybe I'll get that 5a early bull tag.

Who cares, hunt in tough to get to spots and you'll have solitude. I rarely encounter anyone while big game hunting.

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I remember, back in the good old days, when we as sportsmen and women were eager to bring new people into this endeavor to “grow the sport”.  I guess we don’t want that anymore.  

Between the fretful posts that interest in hunting is declining and the angry posts that there are too many hunters I get really confused...  🤯

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20 minutes ago, davehc130 said:

I have plenty.  No thanks. 

You already paid the $20, might as well get another spot.

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130 , I said nothing about killing You. You gotta be nuts. I was  referring to getting you to hike back in and You would get ,lost, not make it back out on your own cause You never hiked that far.. My God this a Hunting site. Quit halucinating........LOL....................BOB!

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3 hours ago, davehc130 said:

that not how I read it.....and well I have NEVER threaten ANYONE EVER ON WEB Page....people can have differing opinions but that does not make it acceptable to threaten people....how about civil discourse, some of these guy are acting like I have lost my mind at the same time that MANY western states have banned the use of cameras, limited the use of cameras, and banned selling hunting spots on line...I was just bringing that discussion here....I started hunting in AZ in 1982, back when you could draw an archery elk tag every year....but now with 7 million people living in AZ and same amount of game, hunting opportunities have declined, thats life, but in addition there are other things that are degrading hunting that if AZ enacted the same laws as other states, might improve the hunting conditions in AZ, or we DO NOTHING and watch hunting continue to decline in AZ

Dude it's pretty obvious that he wasn't threatening you'r life. Chill out. Sure seems like you spend your time just looking for something to get worked up about. 

Now back to the original topic. You do realize that outfitters also sell scouting packages as well right? Its not like desert bull is single handedly ruining your hunting spots.

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25 minutes ago, cjl2010 said:

Bob is super old anyways I think you could take him!!


He might get his skirt ruffled.

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1 hour ago, naturebob said:

130 , I said nothing about killing You. You gotta be nuts. I was  referring to getting you to hike back in and You would get ,lost, not make it back out on your own cause You never hiked that far.. My God this a Hunting site. Quit halucinating........LOL....................BOB!

Even at 52 I can hump a ruck with most!  You guys can give me all the crap you want and personally attack me but I would rather discuss the issue without the bashing.  So I guess your good with selling hunting areas to an unlimited number of people.  

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To be transparent no one on here wants their hunting spots broadcasted. Let's be honest. Regardless of Hunter retention or whatever the reason. hunting spots are sacred and held dearly to the ones that occupy such spaces I would be irritated as well

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48 minutes ago, QCwtAddict said:

Dude it's pretty obvious that he wasn't threatening you'r life. Chill out. Sure seems like you spend your time just looking for something to get worked up about. 

Now back to the original topic. You do realize that outfitters also sell scouting packages as well right? Its not like desert bull is single handedly ruining your hunting spots.

Well if you go back to original post I never mentioned him by name and yes a few others do it... but yes he did single handedly ruined my spot this year.. only thing that changed from the last to this year and the previous 30 years was he just happened to post and sell the area I had been hunting since 1985.... so this is not specifically about him but the overall issue of selling gps hunting spots.  Other states have outlawed this as they soon realized the practice was impacting wildlife and herd numbers.  So guy can cast aspersions that I’m wimpy, I could careless. Not interested in whether some yahoo can take me or not.  Interested in preserving hunting quality and opportunity.  

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The draft bill includes language that reads, “No person shall provide to a hunter for remuneration the location information of any previously scouted big or trophy game animal for the purpose of aiding the hunter in the taking of the big or trophy game animal.”

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