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Foundry Man

Finishing Touches---BRONZE!

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Well, I am just doing the finishing touches to this sculpture. Here are some picts......




Here, I am just touching up some welds.




I am just inspecting the Patina. It turned out pretty good.




This is the custom wood base I made. It is from a gnarly mesquite stump that my buddy gave me. He has a ranch at the base of the Burro Mountain foot hills. I thought that it would be fitting to use mesquite as a base to hold a bronze coues deer.>>Jason

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thats thing is freakin sweet

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That Coues bronze is turning out very nice. It will be nice to see some close-ups once you have the finishing touches completed. Again, THANKS!



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That is looking GREAT Jason! Thanks again for your generous donation to the Coues Buck contest. I am going to be really jealous of whoever ends up with that bronze!


Love the mesquite base. Nice touch!



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That thing is gonna look great sitting on my widescreen TV!


I don't think they are giving awards for the biggest $*it talker! :lol:


That is a fine piece of art, very very nice!

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Brian you need to come to my office and clean the coffee off my screen!!!!!!! That was too funny :lol:


Jason stopped by the house last year and showed me one of his sculptures. Talk about having talent, that thing is bad a$$ up close, lots of detail.


Good Job J-

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That thing is gonna look great sitting on my widescreen TV!


I don't think they are giving awards for the biggest $*it talker! :lol:



OUCH that was too funny...


Great Job Jason... Now that you have the mold can you create copies????



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