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New Mexico Welfare Reform

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This is a house bill (HB34) here in New Mexico that will be voted on tomorrow. Basically it provides a hunting license or fishing license to anyone that can prove they are on public assistance for no charge. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Anybody have an opinion?





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If you are on assistance, how do you afford the gun, ammo, and gas to go hunting? It's much cheaper to go to the store and buy some grub.


The $8 for a box of 12 ga would buy a days worth of food for one person if you are a thrifty shopper. What if you buy the shells, borrow a gun, go hunting and don't get squat? You're out $8 and still have no food. Not very cost effective if you ask me.


I guess it would be feasible if you lived in a area where you could walk to the fields and gets some rabbits, ducks or quail, etc and not have to buy a tank of $3.00 gas.

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hmm.... I am all for opportunity but like you guys said the license is the cheap compared to all the other expenses... I really agree with this for youths because they shouldn't be denied the outdoor experience because there parents don't make enough money for a license...


BUT just think what is going to happen when one of the people draw a Sheep tag...



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heck yes I have an opinion.......that has got to be the stupidist thing I've ever heard proposed! If a peson is on welfare they don't have time to be hunting or fishing......go get your lazy a$$ a job!!!


Before all you don't be a jerk people start in on me......yes I realize there are people that are down on their luck and yes I understand.....but like singleshot said Hunting and fishing is a privelage, NOT a right!!!

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J, you make a good point on the youth aspect; however, I tend to agree with coues7. Maybe from more of a selfish reason though. As most of us are aware, when we became able to apply for tags with credit cards draw odds went to heck. My guess is that if this passes it will drop the odds for deer to what sheep odds are now.



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I don't think they are talking about deer, elk, antelope tags. Just the general hunting and fishing license that NM residents have to buy to hunt small game, birds, etc.

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DessertBull, maybe but the deer tag for a resident is only $8.00 after you buy or recieve free the general hunting license.



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I am new to the forum and I usually just read your threads and look at the great pics. However, this thread has caught my attention. It irritates me to no end when we reward the unemployed for being unemployed. I undrestand that there are curcumstances when a family will need public assistance. The problem is that there is no incentive to get a job (or a better paying job) when handouts are available.


I know of people on public assistance who will not look for a job (or better paying job) because they would loose assistance. Make it uncomfotable to be unemployed and the # of unemployed will drop.


Whats next bonus points?

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DessertBull, maybe but the deer tag for a resident is only $8.00 after you buy or recieve free the general hunting license.




Good point. I am not advocating that this is a good program, I just wanted to make sure we knew they were not giving away free tags.

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i'm gonna retire in a year and a half. if it passes, guess maybe i'll move to new mex. what next? tag prices will coincide with your income? or maybe a guy with a job will hafta pay more than somebody on the dole, so the non-worker gets a free tag? heck, more i look at it, better it sounds. Lark.

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If this passes it should be a small game only license, they should not allow it to be used in any draw hunts and if they do apply for any hunts or get caught abusing it in any way they should lose all aspects of their assistance, no food stamps, medical, or cash. In all reality this is a very stupid law unless it is youth only, but as stated before if they can hunt they can probably work, and if you can't trust them with a job how the heck can you trust them with a gun.

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Dang, That's a pretty good deal. I can see it now, Guy says to his boss, "Boss, if I quit, will you hire me back tomorrow? I wanna get a hunting license and if I am unemployed I get it free". Okay, well I quit. See you for the deer hunt.


I bet the Illegals would sue for civil rights violation and fair distribution of free licenses too. It's not thier fault they can't get a job when thye are here illegally.

And like others have said, the purely lazy people already have the system figured out so they do not want to go to work and this is another reason to keep them hooked up and sucking on the government .


Bad Idea in my opinion.

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Coues7 is right on! These people need to focus on working, not hunting.


I also think this will have minimal if any impact at all in the big scheme of things. I highly doubt that very many people will be able to take advantage of it if it goes through. In fact it really seems like a waste of a bunch of politations time and tax payers money that they are even voting on it.


Another useless law hitting the books!!!

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