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I guess it was just my turn.....

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It's amazing how when I've found trail cameras or treestands or basically someone else's property out in the field the LAST thing from my mind is, "I'M GONNA TAKE IT!". I've seen trail cameras and I've tried seeing the pics they've got on them but NEVER did I ever think to stuff it my back pack and walk off with it. Well today was the day......


I hiked into my stand and wanted to get my 2 trail cameras I've had hanging for the nearly the past 3 years in the same spot. Well when I got there I quickly realized one of my nice digital trail cams that TREESTANDMAN made me was GONE! I looked over where the other was hanging and luckily it was hidden in an oak tree well enough that it was missed and still there. Feeling a tad invaded I looked up at the oak thicket where my treestand has been for 3 years as well and it was gone too! Even the F'n tree steps!! Now I totally and completely understand the feelings of being invaded almost as if my home was burglarized. It's not so much that someone found my little area and salt lick that I've enjoyed over the past few years but the fact that they were ignorant enough to have found it and the first thing that came to their pea-brained mind was "I'm gonna take this guy's stuff and teach him a lesson".


Well back in Oct on opening wknd of the wt hunt I got a picture of a guy standing at the salt lick, checking it out. This is the first time anyone has ever stumbled upon it that I'm aware of and I got him on camera. I'm bummed I didn't get a picture of his face but this one will have to do. Anyone recognize this guy from the back? His gun or the fact that he hunts with a walking stick? I'm willing to bet my money he's the one that did it.




Notice the trail cam bungeed to the tree on the left. Hard to miss that one from where he's lookin.


Now I'll admit that of course there could've been someone else in the area that saw it and did not get their photo taken but hard to say. I'm sure I'll never know.


An interesting note. The morning I killed Mr Mass, as I hiked through the pines and near my salt lick, I stumbled upon a salt lick I'd never seen before. I looked at my friend Chris and said, "How and the H would I ever miss this?". I instantly looked up in the trees for a stand of sorts and never saw a thing, not even a footprint. Today I looked again and couldn't see any evidence of a stand or cut limbs. Coulda been a rancher but I seriously doubt it. Oh well, I guess I learned a HUGE lesson. NEVER LEAVE ANYTHING YOU DON'T WANT STOLEN UNLOCKED!!!! My trust and faith in others has been completely shot out the window and I'm not sure if I'll ever even go back there again. I will always look at anyone I see in the woods as if he's the one who did this to me. I know there's many many others on this site who feel as I do cause thier stuff has been taken too and I wouldn't really doubt it if the butt-jack that stole my stuff frequents this site. If you do and you're reading this all I can say is I hope you glass off a big rock bluff one of these days and it gives away and you get pinned under a large boulder and die a slow, cold, lonely death cause your time is comin brother.



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Sorry to hear that Josh. That really sucks. I hope someone recongnizes that guy, and it turns out to be him. What is this world coming to? What happened to the Camaraderie and trust between Hunter's? Im hope that person gets whats coming to them, escpecially your rock theory! :angry:

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Kinda looks like a small guy with narrow shoulders and dish pan hands to me.


Sorry to hear this Grong. Definately start locking them up or use a bear box from now on.

All we need is to catch one of these guy's in the act just one time and b**t the living He!!

out em and that might make em think twice about it.


BTW... Thanks for having the cajones to post what pic you did have.

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Man I feel for ya Josh. That really sucks. I was with Rut this last year when we walked up to one of ours that had even been locked up with the python locks and it still didn't stop the low down scum form taking it. A truely crappy feeling for sure.


As Troy said at least you posted the picture you did get and maybe someday someone will catch one of these lowest forms of life forms.



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You know I'm not sure why guys feel like they have to protect the indentity of an F'n thief. I don't have the slightest problem posting a guy's picture if I think he's the one that did it, I wish more guys would too! Thieves and vandals are the lowest form of scum in our society (rapists and murderers too of course) and need to be dealt with with a swift hand. I bullet to both knee caps and a SLOW miserable death to all of them! There's absolutely ZERO societal use for the kinds of people that take pleasure in making other's lives miserable by stealing from them or hurting others in any way!


And I will say this, I will be going back from time to time and if I ever find a trail camera I won't take it. I will smash it into pieces but I won't take it. If I find a Double-bull blind, I won't take it I'll cut HUGE holes out of all sides of it and leave it. If I find a treestand there I'll drop a deuce on the seat and cut 9/10ths of the strap that holds it to the tree. I'll think of others I'm sure.....

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All we need is to catch one of these guy's in the act just one time and b**t the living He!!

out em and that might make em think twice about it.


BTW... Thanks for having the cajones to post what pic you did have.


I'm getting to old and fat to fight any more but I would like to be in on the action. I could sit on them while the rest of you do what Troy wants to do. Count me in. ;)



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I kinda know the feeling. I set a camera up and a salt lick and 3 weeks later i found a tree stand up 25 yards from my site. So I took my camera down before it got taken. I found a Game and Fish live trap this weekend but didn't take it. Because like you we have that thing called respect for other peoples property. Hope you find out who took it.

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Correct me if I'm wrong here, but the photo you posted was of a guy that wandered into camera range last Oct., and the camera was stolen just recently, like in the last week or so, right?? If that is the case, I wonder why the guy in the photo didn't steal anything the first time he was there. I guess what I'm saying is you might be pointing the finger at the wrong person, given the situation. It's possible it is the same guy, but IMO, it's unlikely. -TONY

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I think the clue will be when the guy shows up hunting that area next season. He is likely gonna see some nice pics on that camera he stole and decide that he has "found" his own new honey hole.

Chances are he is pretty stoopid like a lot of theives but even a freakin moron would probably not hunt in the same exact spot, Would they? that said,


I'd bet you are going to keep going back to the spot so even if he sets up near the same spot so you have a chance to see him. A theif like that may only poach deer so look around during off season too!

If you see someone new to the area, Maybe letting him know in conversation that that he looks familar, and that he resembles the guy who stole your stuff. You could let him know that you had another camera in the area that captured the scumsucking pig faced sack of puss toting off your gear.

The reaction would be interesting to see.


Sorry to hear you lost gear and that your honey hole has been compromised. Good luck catching the ba#tard#. Maybe more than 1 of them if it's all gone so quickly? Could he have carried it all out with his own (previously stolen) gear in 1 trip?

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Sorry Josh

that bites


Tony I am not saying it is or is not the same guy

But I could see him not taking anything then.

Pack is full,

toting a rifle

and a tag in his pocket.

Make plans to come back after season.


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I think it is Casey look at all those bullets. :lol: just a joke casey. anyways i have walked in on a few setups and looked around myself and never taken a camera. I bet i am even on a few cameras as i have seen them and waved at them while looking around what i thought was a good spot. The wave was to show that i saw them and left the camera alone. I hope this guy just walked on his way. i keep hopeing that it is not other hunter stilling from each other but i sure do wonder at times.

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Sorry Josh

that bites


Tony I am not saying it is or is not the same guy

But I could see him not taking anything then.

Pack is full,

toting a rifle

and a tag in his pocket.

Make plans to come back after season.



Good point and possible. But if you were him and wanted the camera and stand, would you wait more than two months to go back for them without your pack and rifle?? Why would he wait until after the season when the owner would likely have removed his stuff? Again, your scenario is possible but it makes no sense to me. -TONY

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