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I guess it was just my turn.....

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Sorry to hear it man! :(


Was your second camera not working at the time of the theft????? Should have been a picture of him in the act?



You know, I have actually heard guys say things like "I'm going to go back and see if that stand is there after season" As if there is some rule that says that it is not stealing if it is still there after the season. <_< Stupid stupid stupid! :angry: But there are plenty of people that think this way and don't think they are theives because at least they waited till after the season. I don't hang out with anyone who has said this but I have heard many people state something like it. I always share my vews on it with them and discurage it if I hear it. But I'm sure if I'v heard it several times that it is much more common of a thought than a truly honest man might think <_< :angry:


It makes you wana take them rascals out in the swamp, put em on there knees and tie em to a stump, and let the rattlers and the bugs and the aligators do the rest! :angry: (Or something of that sort ;) )



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Or take real tall tree and short peice of rope and hang them up high and let them swing tell the sun goes down. (or something like that). ;)

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"Josh, Correct me if I'm wrong here, but the photo you posted was of a guy that wandered into camera range last Oct., and the camera was stolen just recently, like in the last week or so, right?? If that is the case, I wonder why the guy in the photo didn't steal anything the first time he was there. I guess what I'm saying is you might be pointing the finger at the wrong person, given the situation. It's possible it is the same guy, but IMO, it's unlikely. -TONY"




Sorry about your loss but I am with Tony. I also noted that you said you have inspected trail cams owned by others and left them alone.


Bill Quimby

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I think it is Casey look at all those bullets. :lol: just a joke casey. anyways i have walked in on a few setups and looked around myself and never taken a camera. I bet i am even on a few cameras as i have seen them and waved at them while looking around what i thought was a good spot. The wave was to show that i saw them and left the camera alone. I hope this guy just walked on his way. i keep hopeing that it is not other hunter stilling from each other but i sure do wonder at times.



He has enough bullets to be me for sure, but my but is WAY bigger than that guys, and i am taller.

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"Josh, Correct me if I'm wrong here, but the photo you posted was of a guy that wandered into camera range last Oct., and the camera was stolen just recently, like in the last week or so, right?? If that is the case, I wonder why the guy in the photo didn't steal anything the first time he was there. I guess what I'm saying is you might be pointing the finger at the wrong person, given the situation. It's possible it is the same guy, but IMO, it's unlikely. -TONY"




Sorry about your loss but I am with Tony. I also noted that you said you have inspected trail cams owned by others and left them alone.


Bill Quimby


I guess I didn't make myself clear. This picure was taken the opening wknd of the Oct wt hunt in 21. I shot my deer the 2nd weekend and saw these pics at that time. I have NOT been back there until yesterday. From what sign I saw in there yesterday it didn't look like it was done anytime recently. There were no quad tracks on the road from the Dec hunt that I could tell and no footprints anywhere near there for the past month at least it looked like. I could be wrong but I really really think that this hunter pictured saw the cam and stand and came back after the hunt ended on Nov 6th. He could've taken it the next day after I'd been there for all I know. What's unlikely is that anyone else found it is what my point is. It's been there for 4 solid years and not in a place that would draw a human to walk thru there. It's not on a rim, ridge-top or even in a saddle for that matter either. Nobody found it in 4 years so I can't figure out why someone just happened upon it and had nothing else to carry so they took the camera and that heavy-butt treestand and pulled all the steps out of the tree too. That's what I doubt and it's obviously my own theory cause I'm one of the VERY tiny handful of people that even knew where it was to begin with. Just knowing that there's a new salt lick w/in 125 yards of mine all of the sudden my stuff dissapears makes me VERY VERY suspicious. Maybe it's not that guy in the picture, I understand that, but like I said, If I see another stand/blind/camera set up there I'm gonna start playing Monkey Wrench Gang.

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Josh, dont you think you are OVER-reacting???? :o











:P I dont think so!!! :P

Messing with someone elses personal property is a no-no. Hopefully you can figure out who did this

Its sad how we cant trust anyone anymore, It blows

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Sorry to hear this. If it isn't one thing it is another at times. Also, sad to say check out page 11 of the new Elk/Antelope regs with the elk clinic informations that discusses the use of setting cameras and attractants. Nice of G&F to promote this activity to everyone.

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I lost the very first camera I ever set out, over in unit 27. Left a real sour taste in my mouth. I won't even set them up closer than a 1/2 hour cross country hike away from a road or trail anymore & that's kept them safe since then. At least so far. Fortunately, most thiefs are lazy, so they don't usually get to the places I go.


Matt S.

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I guess I didn't make myself clear. This picure was taken the opening wknd of the Oct wt hunt in 21. I shot my deer the 2nd weekend and saw these pics at that time. I have NOT been back there until yesterday.



Oh, okay. Then it could have been taken any time after your last visit and before your most recent one. I guess I had assumed that you had just killed your other buck there, as well.


That said, I sure can't imagine the thief being stupid enough to then put a salt lick close by, knowing you would probably be back to retrieve your stuff and perhaps run into him. -TONY

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I guess I didn't make myself clear. This picure was taken the opening wknd of the Oct wt hunt in 21. I shot my deer the 2nd weekend and saw these pics at that time. I have NOT been back there until yesterday.



Oh, okay. Then it could have been taken any time after your last visit and before your most recent one. I guess I had assumed that you had just killed your other buck there, as well.


That said, I sure can't imagine the thief being stupid enough to then put a salt lick close by, knowing you would probably be back to retrieve your stuff and perhaps run into him. -TONY


But...thieves are stupid, that's why they are thieves, because they ARE stupid.

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Its a shame that fellow hunters do crap like this. It makes the victims of the thieves assume that anyone they see in the general area from then on is the thief and causes hate and animosity towards everyone else. I had one of mine screwed with but they didn,t steal it because it was locked up. I have yet to set it back up in that area and I always think in the back of my mind that if I see someone out there it was them????


I feel for ya. That really sucks.

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Thank you DesertBull!

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That makes me want to go pic up my cameras that have been out there that long as well.... :unsure: .... Was gunna wait till the horns were droppin' to go do it.... I guess if they are gone it there is nothing I can do about it now..... <_< .... Sorry your spot was invaded by a Dirt Bag, Josh..... It really sucks when you have a "honey hole" and it gets hyjacked!!! Hope you find the SOB!



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Josh, was the other salt lick full of the big 1" type water softner salt pellets? ? ?



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No Lance it looked to be just like I do mine, salt mixed right into the dirt. It's funny how my salt lick, that's been there for years, wasn't touched but yet the other was being HAMMERED. I bet the dirty sumbeeotch put bleach or something in my lick to kill it. Mine had quite a lot of fresh salt in it as of Oct and plenty to last till the spring. Very interesting......... His time is coming for sure. Sabotage central is about to get his if he's stupid enough to hunt there.


Don't get me wrong, I don't consider a piece of forest property as mine at all but when my stuff disappears and all of the sudden in the middle of nowhere appears a salt lick right next to mine is sounding an awful lot like monkey business.

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