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Update to Game and Fish screw up

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Even if it arrived on time there is no guarantee they had enough tags left or that they ever looked at your envelope. I was told whatever applications are left at the end of the day on Friday are automatically sent back and the remaining tags become available as first come first serve on Monday.

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Even if it arrived on time there is no guarantee they had enough tags left or that they ever looked at your envelope. I was told whatever applications are left at the end of the day on Friday are automatically sent back and the remaining tags become available as first come first serve on Monday.


I doubt that, because you can still send an envelope in for remaining tags during the walk in period. They do that so that people who don't live anywhere near a regional office can get a tag without a lot of driving.

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Need an online system to avoid this kind of stuff. Completely doable nowadays.

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I had a navajo depot elk tag mistake on a leftover == the issued me a tag but due to new rules it wasn't good for or what ever -active military only


I couldn't hunt but I paid for an elk tag-


I asked since i'd already paid for an elk tag was it possible to just issue me an over the counter tag instead so I could at leasrt go hunting.


you can guess the results of that

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I asked them myself if the blue envelopes were accepted and was told they were fine.

Blue envelops are accepted. But they have the wrong address on them and have to be forwarded. Thus taking longer to arrive.

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