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Game and Fish screw up

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I put my daughter in for the left over tags one of her choices was the 33 muzzy hunt. I called yesterday to check on her results the lady I talked to said they never received it, I mailed it from the post office hard to believe it did not get delivered I know some one that went through a similar situation , Any one else hear of this happening?

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I would more likely believe lost mail. I sold a bow to a member down in Tucson earlier this year and it took 4+ weeks for his money order to get to Phoenix. Post mark confirmed he sent it when he claimed, but I guess that little envelope fell into a crack some where and stayed in limbo for almost a month

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I put in for a leftover one year and they never cashed my check and I never got it returned back in the mail. So the post office does lose mail.

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People are quick to point out the letters that don't get there,while saying nothing about the ones that do arrive on time.I worked there for 27 years,and although not perfect,they will find letters that are lost in the mail,and send them on.They will stamp"found in empty equipment",and send it on.

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I had it happen this year for the same hunt. Got the application returned to me on Friday saying all hunts were filled when there were still leftovers. Called game and fish and explained the situation. They met up with to view the application and got me the tags. Apparently they thought it was hunt 1090 not 1190 which was 24a hunt

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I had it happen this year for the same hunt. Got the application returned to me on Friday saying all hunts were filled when there were still leftovers. Called game and fish and explained the situation. They met up with to view the application and got me the tags. Apparently they thought it was hunt 1090 not 1190 which was 24a hunt

Same thing happened to a friend. Havent heard the outcome yet.

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Happened to me as well, that was my 5th choice. Will be visiting the G&F office on Friday.

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Once the tags are gone they wont be able to issue anymore. The sooner you call and talk to them the better

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Glad You got your tag Christian..........BOB!

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