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Vortex Kaibab HD 18x vs 20x thoughts

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I'm looking at buying the kaibabs for long range glassing and I'm wondering what everyone's thoughts are on the better bino? Vortex kaibab hd 18x vs 20x? I know they don't make the 20x's anymore but I know a place to get a pair. All input is appreciated

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I ran the 20x exclusively last year and I will be running them again this year the heat waves are a little bad during the summer thats the only bad thing about them, they have trouble gathering light on overcast days, they take a bit to get use to if you have been running 15x but once your use to them there a decent optic.

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When a company drops 20 and goes to 18 you should think about why they did such thing. Go 18 or 15 scratch the 20 unless some stupid fantastic price and you must scratch the itch.

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I think anything above 15 would pick up mirage on a warmer day, just my opinion.

I agree with 10turkeys on this

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I pretty much leave my spotting scope on 20x, big enough field of view and picks up mirage.


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Thanks for your input. Good luck to all this season

Vortex donated a set of 18's to Christian Hunters of America and those babies auctioned for only like $710 or $720 3+ weeks ago 😬 would have been good snag

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