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Swarovski 15x56

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I have a brand new pair that I won in a raffle I have my 12x50 EL's so I don't need these. Asking $2,000 can ship on buyers expense, or located in Glendale. I did take them out of box to compare to my EL's, they have never been outside.




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Well can't give a good enough report, for it was in the day time and looking outside from in, and not on a tripod. Just wanted to see if there was a big difference. For the little time I looked couldn't really tell in those conditions other than the power range.

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I have both the 12x50 EL HD’s and the 15x56 HD’s. There is a slight difference in crispness but they are both awesome glass! Field of view is also a little greater on the EL’s

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I run both the 12x50s and 15x56HD a lot. My eyes arent goid enough to tell any difference in resolution. There is a huge difference in field of view. An additional 65% if you do the math. I like the 12s. My son prefers the 15s.

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