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tjhunts2 new web site

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Hey TJ,

You are so in love with hunting Javelina

why don't you start your own web site just for hunting them?

I think the first thing you should do is pick a name.

We have a lot of people on this site that also love hunting them

and others that hate them so I am sure that someone here can come up with

the perfect name.

I have some ideas but lets leave it up to the members.

I wonder if Lark might have an idea :huh:


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Hey TJ,

You are so in love with hunting Javelina

why don't you start your own web site just for hunting them?

I think the first thing you should do is pick a name.

We have a lot of people on this site that also love hunting them

and others that hate them so I am sure that someone here can come up with

the perfect name.

I have some ideas but lets leave it up to the members.

I wonder if Lark might have an idea :huh:



Thanks but no thanks Mike. That takes work and you know how lazy I have gotten and I have no computer skills. :huh: By the way, I believe there is a web site already.





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It's been done.




Bill Quimby ;)


Thank God! :D


Thanks Bill! ;)


I bet ya Amanda wouldn't like you trying to promote a new web site through her web site, Mike. :angry: :( :( :( :lol: :lol: Your in trouble now but the thought was appreciated by me. ;) :D :lol:


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Javelinahunter.com is the website that planted the seed in my brain for this website :D It's a neat site.




When I found the site several years ago it was telling people that the word "javelina" came from their having teeth that resemble javelins!


I wrote the site's owner and after we exchanged a couple of emails (he's a nice fellow, by the way), the site now notes that "jabalí" in Spanish means "wild boar," and that adding "ina" makes it "little wild boar."


We Gringos bastardized the word to make the "B" a "V."


Bill Quimby

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