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Found my 18a shoter!!!

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It has been 11 years since my last goat tag.I had a 17a tag last time with my son,we were 2 out of 3 that year.We had scouted hard all summer just to have a bowhunter chase the big goat out of the area just before the season.There was no other season in 17a that year he was tring to poach it with an 18a archery tag!!!!Any we wound up with a couple very nice goats.My 11 years old son shot an 85 inch goat opening day.And I shot a 91 inch goat the next day.This year I put in for 19a first and 18a second and drew tad number 5 out of 5 tags.I live in 18a and have found some very good goats in the past,last year for my buddies kids muzzy tags we found a 84--86.inch goat,but he would go in and out of private land.For the last couple months I have scouted a lot looking for a good goat and have come up empty till today.,I will try to get a pic of my camcorder,he looks to be 17 plus long with great mass and at least 7 plus cutters.I think he will go in the high 80's,anyway if he lives thru the bow and muzzy season he will be my first pick!!!!

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Awesome my only goat tag was in 18a. Know the unit well. I found a beast in there this past March. Please post the pic!

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I have to keep my mouth shut. Love the OP's first few sentences and won't through gasoline on the fire. :rolleyes:

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Still looking for mine. I have the archery tag. I have 2 decent bucks located but have not seen a giant one yet. I am not super picky either way. I'm just looking forward to the hunt.

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If anyone knows the private property owner there south of the Seligman gas station, saw what I'm pretty sure is a booner over there a few weeks back standing on the boarder of 18a, 19b, I saw someone with the tag on IG post a pic of him after I saw him. Has huge flat cutters that go straight out in front.

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If anyone knows the private property owner there south of the Seligman gas station, saw what I'm pretty sure is a booner over there a few weeks back standing on the boarder of 18a, 19b, I saw someone with the tag on IG post a pic of him after I saw him. Has huge flat cutters that go straight out in front.

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