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Swarovski optics warning

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Just a heads up for any of you considering a Swarovski purchase.




January 17, 2008

To Our Authorized Swarovski Optik Dealers: We have recently become aware of some fraudulent Internet activity regarding our Swarovski Optik products. We have learned of a website that is advertising our binoculars at below dealer price, then purchasing them through authorized dealers but drop shipping them to a consumer that ordered them through their website www.smalldealerusa.com. We understand they may be using stolen credit cards to purchase the binoculars from our authorized dealers. Our legal department has been notified and we have heard the federal authorities are investigating this dealer. We have recently seen online forums warning consumers of fraudulent activities on Ebay under store name SuperStore8407 and www.smalldealerusa.com. We are asking you to be particularly vigilant in matching and verifying credit card names with drop ship addresses since this is the way these businesses are operating. Thank you for your continued support of our products and we wish you a successful 2008.

Kind Regards,

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thanks for the heads up

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