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Well I finally got a pig this morning at about 8:40! :lol:



I was sitting in the blind this morning on the 8th day of hunting, and, all of the sudden a little face appeared out of the bushes at about 8:35. I was so excited when I saw it was a Javelina face. Two of them appeared, and I drew back on one that was a little smaller than average. I released, and the next thing I knew the arrow went flying ten feet in the air and into a bush. Buck fever. A clean miss! Then five minutes later the rest of the herd stumbled by. I saw four pigs and a piglet. I drew on one that had his head down, and released. My dad had told me that I probably wouldn't get a passthrough, so I was frantically searching the pig's body as he ran away for the arrow. My dad went out to check the arrow a couple minutes later and confirmed it was a passthrough. I was so excited! But I wasn't so excited when my dad told me I had to go to school that day. (at least I had a half-day!) There was green on the arrow, with a lot of blood. My dad said I gut shot him and we would come back to look after school to track him. It was hard in school because I kept looking at the clock and picturing him dead somewhere. Finally the bell rang, and my dad picked me up from school. We hiked up to the spot where I had shot him, and looked around for about ten minutes when we walked up a patch of rocks. I got to the top, looked to my left under a palo verde, then looked in front of me and I jumped because it scared the heck out of me. Then my dad jumped too.



Lying there dead, out in the open, two feet in front of us was my pig! We then took a bunch of pictures and then gutted and skinned him. We found out later that my arrow entered the lung, but he was quartering when I shot so it exited throught the stomach. It was a fun hunt and I will never forget it. Thanks dad!


Thanks for reading!







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Congrats kidbowhunter thats awesome to have your first pig under your belt. ;)

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Fantastic! Way to go. Hey if it makes you feel any better I missed four shots at under 20 yards before I got my first javelina with a bow and I was about 30 years old at the time. How old are you? Your story will really inspire my 9 year old daughter. By the way, you have a great Dad for sharing the hunt with you. I bet he's more proud of you than you can imagine. Congrats to both of you.

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Way to go Troy!! I couldn't be a prouder papa!! :lol: You really worked hard on this hunt, and never complained once! (well maybe once, after the 8th time of me waking you up at 5 in the morning!) This is your second archery pig, and your not even 12 yet!! Keep it up!!


bowsniper dad

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congrats on your 2nd pig? good job stud

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Congratulations Troy!! You sure have had some fun times hunting out of that blind this season! Nice job!


Save that javelina skull, it makes a neat keepsake and they are one of the most interesting skulls there is. Try not to boil it to clean it because javelina skulls tend to get greasy over time if you do that. You can just remove as much meat as you can and then soak it in a bucket of water for several weeks and it will clean up really nicely (amount of time it takes to clean depends on temperature, the warmer the faster it rots the flesh off). But it will come out as clean as if you did it with beetles.



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Way to go Troy! That's Awesome. I remember the feeling of sitting in school waiting for that bell to ring to get back out in the hills with my ol'e man like it was yesterday.


Thanks for sharing your adventures with us.



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AWESOME!!! Way to git it done bud! I bet going to school was the hardest part of the hunt! Man, I don't think I could of handled that! :unsure: But you did! Way to go!

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Awesome! Great job on your first archery pig! I'm glad you and your dad could share such a special time.

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