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Where to buy Shilen

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Bartlein barrels are considered the best right now, last I heard it was a six month wait for one. Shilen you can order one from the factory, or usually Midway or Brownells carry them. Might want to get on either website and find out what contour and twist you want before you order, a number 3 or 4 contour Shilen might be close to a 3 or 4 Bartlein, maybe not. I've never been disappointed in a Kreiger.

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I have bought barrels from Bugholes and they were great to deal with. If you call and order what you want they will normally get it faster than if ordered it direct yourself. Dont overlook Brux barrels.



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I have 2 270's with Lilja barrels, a lightweight and a "Sendero" weight . Both shoot lights out .3 to .5 groups.

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