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World's best javelina guide?

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My goal this season was to take a javelina with my 9 year old daughter Zoe standing next to me. She loves hunting and is a great hiker and outdoors kid so I knew we could do it. We just went out in the afternoons close to the house in unit 17. I'll spare you the long stories but the first time out I missed a 25 yard shot with my longbow but she got to see the whole operation. We had a 2 mile hike out in the dark over ankle breaker rocks that time but she was into it. The next time we had some pigs in an open meadow at sunset. I crawled to within 40 yards while she waited at the last tree behind me but I never got close enough for a longbow shot before darkness and shifting winds ended it.


Yesterday I took both of my girls (Zoe is 9 and Phoebe is 6). I brought the compound this time figuring I was handicapped enough with two little kids in tow. Another long story with lots of close calls and surprisingly the pigs were not spooked once even though we got within 5-50 yards multiple times over an hour and a half. What is amazing about that is my six year old is the squirmiest kid you ever saw. While we were still hunting around they both had to run around and crunch in every patch of snow. We had a blast and finally gave up on the herd we had been chasing as they headed into the yard of a ranch house. We headed back to the truck happy with so many close calls. I had drawn on these pigs several times but never had a clear shot due to the thick brush.


We had been sneaking around so much I figured they need to get some energy out so I had them race across a meadow to a tree. About 30 yards into the race a herd of javelina spooked in the brush right next to us. Figures! Might have even been the same herd.


We got after them and wouldn't you know I got a 25 yard shot with both of the girls kneeling right next to me. They saw the whole show. I hit the small pig good but it was quartering a little towards me. It charged right at us with its bristles up and finally veered off only 8 ft. away then bedded in some thick brush about 15 yards away.


We waited 20 min. or so right there and didn't hear a sound but when I went to check it was still alive. We decided to leave it until morning since it was getting dark and I didn't want to push it further into the brush patch. I went back this morning and it was right where we had left it. I field dressed it and brought it home for some pictures with the girls after they got out of school. Zoe really enjoyed helping me skin it too but squirmy Phoebe went and jumped on her trampoline.


Overall it wasn't my biggest pig but it was the most fun by far. It was like herding cats all afternoon with those two goofing off and competing for who gets to hold my hand next etc. I'd say, "Don't move they're right there looking at us." then turn around and Phoebe would be jumping on and off a boulder arms swinging wildly right behind me. Those pigs must have thought, "Surely those people are not hunting." I kept cracking up at the whole situation but somehow we stayed on them and got one.


I've guided people that were the worst hunters in the world and been successful but this took that to another level. My kids are great outdoor kids but the two of them together trying to sneak around in the brush and leaves and crunchy snow was next to impossible. I think God made javelina just for this kind of hunting. If I can get a javelina under these conditions I will take the title of World's Best Javelina Guide! HA!


Let's see if I can post this picture.



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Nice story. Way to involve the girls and get them close to PIGS!


Thanks for sharing!




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Great story! Congrats!!!


Way to get those girls hooked on hunting at such a young age, that is Great!!!!

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Not much red in the beard anymore :lol: , congrats that is a hunt that the girls and you will treasure for a lifetime, I can't wait to take my 5 year old out.

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Thanks for the post Redbeard, that was really fun to read. Love the.... "I'd say, "Don't move they're right there looking at us." then turn around and Phoebe would be jumping on and off a boulder arms swinging wildly right behind me. Those pigs must have thought, "Surely those people are not hunting."" I can really picture that one. That's so funny!!


Congratulations and I agree, you must be the greatest javelina guide in the world!!!



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They are behind me jumping off of boulders swinging there arms around :lol: :lol: :lol:


Been there and done that.


Kids are the best aren't they.


Great job Readbeard and great story.

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Congratulations Redbeard! I can't wait to have my kids tagging along like that. It sounds like a good time!



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I think my kids may be a secret weapon. Walk around with them goofing off and the animals never get the feeling they are being hunted.


Zoe is going to be a killer hunter, she just loves it but I'm not so sure about Phoebe. She loves going out in the woods but can't stand to be quiet/still for a second. I think she's going to be my motorcycle racing buddy.


We are going on a family wilderness pack trip this weekend and I'll be packing a bow for deer so maybe I can try them out again. I got a 4X4 mulie with my bow on a pack trip when Zoe was 6 months old. She's good luck. I gotta find that picture of the two of us with that deer. I actually had a red beard back then.

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That's so cool Redbeard. I love hearing about guys taking their kids out and how great you are doing a family backpack trip!! Hope you get a buck and the girls get to tag along!



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My wife and I have been backpacking since we were little and our kids haven't known anything different in their lives. They both started going on pack trips when they were just a month or two old. We have 4 llamas for carrying all the gear which makes packing with kids much easier. We backpacked with them into the Grand Canyon when the were only 4 and 7 without the llamas. They did great. We spent 4 days camping in the desert over New Years and they didn't have a single toy but they were never bored.


We try to convince them that they are really lucky and different to spend as much time outdoors as they do. They think everybody does that stuff. What really made the point was when they found out that lots of people don't even know how to go to the bathroom in the woods. My wife explained how when she used to guide all women llama pack trips she had to teach all of these grownups how to squat in the woods and not pee on their pants. :lol: They were shocked and thought that it was just the weirdest thing that grown people had never done that. We got a good laugh about that.


My biggest concern is that when they grow up they can find guys that are nice and like the outdoors too. Hopefully they can find guys who can keep up with them at least. There just aren't enough kids their age that are growing up in the outdoors.


Or worse, they might move to NYC or LA! :blink:




They do it all with us. The family that hunts together stays together.


This is my wife's 2005 mulie. Another family trip.



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That's so neat for you to be getting those girls out there! I know it can be almost frustrating at times, but would we have it any other way? These are the times that they will cherish for the rest of their lives. And you're right, it seems hard to find a lot of other young kids out there. Even more sad is the teens at our daughters school say that they want to get out, but their parents have yet to take them. And these parents are hunting. :blink:


Congrats to you and your 'helpers'!!

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I was a little scared at first to take my boy with me this year since he seems to goof around alot like your girls. But he was a completely different animal on this hunt. I am so proud of him and they way he is really taking to the sport. I could just imagine hearing your little girls giggling in the background while you make the stalk. Maybe when they get older they can get there own hunting TV show and take care of mom and dad. David

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Dude that was HILARIOUS!!!! Great story Chris.

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