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My 2008 archery pig

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Went out this morning and checked out a new area. I got up on top of the hill and glassed for about an hour and found some pigs. They were way out in the flats so I chose a few landmarks and slipped down to them. I got in the area they had been and wasnt able to see any but coud hear the faint woofing sound in the distance. I folled the sounds and finally got a visual on one across the wash at about 90 yards. He went behind a tree and i started to slip to the bottom of the wash while he was out of site. I got to the other side and the pig had completly vanished. I snuck around for a while but could not locate them again. I headed back to the hill I was sitting on before just a little more to the east. I sat down and set up my glasses again and not five minutes later found the group of pigs again. I slipped in to about 60 yards and had them all around me. This one stepped out at 50 yards and I sent one flying. Got a good hit, he didnt go 3 yards and expired in seconds. The hole in the picture is the exit wound. I hit him qaurtering away right behind the head. The arrow hit his skull and turned 90 degrees coming out the opposite back side. Did the job.



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Wow, that is a really big pig. Thanks for sharing and congrats.



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