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Low life Camera thiefs

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Thanks for keeping us informed on what is going on Sirroyal. 40+ cameras being taken in northern AZ in the last couple of weeks is no small deal. The message needs to get out and forums like this are a perfect way to get the message out to the hunting community. Most of us would not even know what happened if you guys didnt inform us. Hope they catch this loser !!

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I agree with Sir Royal's sentiments, but I have to point out how we all seem to continuously form a circular firing line with these sorts of issues.

Sir Royal points out that there is a serial camera thief operating somewhere. I am baffled how a guy comes on here to pass on that message and offer a fair warning. Suddenly, he needs to defend himself from other hunters? Is there any couth in the world today or do we just attack anybody that's willing to speak up?

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Sucks you lost your cameras, but that is the chance you take when you leave them out in the woods for any period of time. Within our group of hunters we have learned to not hang cameras on water or salt for the most part, especially any water or salt that is easily accessible. We have had some stolen and it sucks, but we also know it is possible that it will happen and do not invest in overly expensive cameras. There is not much recourse if they are taken, it is what it is. Hope you find them

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I agree with Sir Royal's sentiments, but I have to point out how we all seem to continuously form a circular firing line with these sorts of issues.

Sir Royal points out that there is a serial camera thief operating somewhere. I am baffled how a guy comes on here to pass on that message and offer a fair warning. Suddenly, he needs to defend himself from other hunters? Is there any couth in the world today or do we just attack anybody that's willing to speak up?

Probably started because the liberal hunter comment.

I still don't understand why every time a camera comes up missing guys automatically come on here and accuse other hunters of taking them. I'm happy he came here to let us know but could have just left it at that. And also not threatening them.

And we wonder why they want to ban trail camera.

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Sucks you lost your cameras, but that is the chance you take when you leave them out in the woods for any period of time. Within our group of hunters we have learned to not hang cameras on water or salt for the most part, especially any water or salt that is easily accessible. We have had some stolen and it sucks, but we also know it is possible that it will happen and do not invest in overly expensive cameras. There is not much recourse if they are taken, it is what it is. Hope you find them

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I agree with Sir Royal's sentiments, but I have to point out how we all seem to continuously form a circular firing line with these sorts of issues.

Sir Royal points out that there is a serial camera thief operating somewhere. I am baffled how a guy comes on here to pass on that message and offer a fair warning. Suddenly, he needs to defend himself from other hunters? Is there any couth in the world today or do we just attack anybody that's willing to speak up?

Probably started because the liberal hunter comment.

I still don't understand why every time a camera comes up missing guys automatically come on here and accuse other hunters of taking them. I'm happy he came here to let us know but could have just left it at that. And also not threatening them.

And we wonder why they want to ban trail camera.

BowNut sure hope your not feeling threatened. Its directed to the scumbag thieves to let them know that we are on to them. I guarantee they are lurking on this site. And by the way it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out what and who they are!! There is always a pattern !


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I was not attacking anyone in particular.....But the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result....Yr after yr it’s the same story....So and so puts up cameras...Said camera is stolen.....Then the threats of were gonna get ya or you better hope we don’t find you...Your gonna get a high country tune up...Bla Bla Bla....

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