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Dad's archery pig

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My dad got it done today. He finished teaching at 1 and off we went, hiked in a mile and half to glassing spot and less than an hour later he glassed up a herd a little over half mile away. He got to 20 yards and let an arrow fly, hitting the sow while she fed and she went a few yards and expired. He was smooth stalking this herd and lettin an arrow fly but after the shot we were like little kids on christmas eve. Gots to love the feeling. Herd was 13 pigs large and went a couple hundred yards after the shot and began feeding again, they should be nearby when my sister comes down next weekend and hope she gets a chance at the same herd. Its a hard year for us chasin these pigs, our honey holes aren't producing at all so we're takin these pigs out of new herds. Enjoy







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He was smooth stalking this herd and lettin an arrow fly but after the shot we were like little kids on christmas eve. Gots to love the feeling.


I know it well ;) - Great job and thanks for sharing the pics!





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Congrat on your pig Dad!! :D Looks like you guys are on the roll, found new and different herds! It is a good start of the year! B) See you guys next weekend!!

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Conrats on your pig Dad. Great pics and thanks for sharing.



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