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General Question on PVC Piping I Found

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I was out yesterday checking out an area I hadn't been in before and came across PVC piping exposed and sticking out of the ground standing straight up. Is this just an old out of commission well that was drilled or something different? It was located up a cut that funneled into a bigger wash. There wasn't any piping running from that point leading somewhere else that I could find. Piping was probably 1 1/2". There were two identical pipes sticking out of the ground about 5-7 yards apart. Is this significant at all as it relates to producing water?


Apologies in advance for no pictures. Didn't have my phone with me at the time.

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According to the HabiMap it's in the middle of US Forest Service land. I would guess it's just an old well. I guess my original question was if that is a good indication that water is near by or pools in that area, but I have no idea and google wasn't much help so I figured I'd ask here.

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Used to see those all the time by seven springs and wondered the same thing. I fould one that had been knocked down and turned out to be a mining claim. The paperwork was in plastic rolled up into one of the pipes

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