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Help for first coues hunt

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Hello all. I've never posted here before but I've read this forum a few times. I've got the itch to go chase coues. I'm looking at units 21 and 24b for the early November hunt. I've not stepped foot in either unit. I'm leaning more towards 24b on the North side and hiking in to the wilderness area. I also understand there are 2 wilderness areas in 21. I think I'd much rather hunt a wilderness area where I could get away from the roads a bit. I'm open to suggestions and would like to hear people's thoughts that have spent time in both units.



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Time in the field is better than time behind a desk. Either one could net you a nice buck, or tag soup. Good luck in the draw.

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I hunt coues every year here in NM but I got the bug when I got the archery bug. So hunting them and killing them is a different story. Still time out in the woods beats time in the city working. I am thinking of starting to go to AZ for the OTC archery hunts.

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Guys, I assume he is asking because he's from Utah and won't really get a chance to get out and scout before the hunt.


If you're planning to hike into the wilderness, then either of those units will produce deer. It may take some time to find a large buck, but they're there. I haven't hunted 21, but 24B offers multiple points to access the wilderness. I've spent a lot of time on Google Earth picking apart areas near the river in 21, and it looks pretty promising, but I don't know what the roads are like in there. In 24B you could probably get cell service from just about any of the peaks...I don't think the same could be said for the areas near the Verde in 21.


Also, you can also find a lot of good information on hiking and backpacking the Superstition Wilderness on Hikeaz.com.

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Thanks for all the help. A few people have reached out in PMs as well and I really appreciate it. I still have not made up my mind on the unit, I still have a few phone calls to make, but hopefully come the end of the season I can share a successful first coues hunt story with you guys.



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