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Wildcat Fire

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I drove from Mesa to Payson this morning to go fishing with my son and only recall seeing one sign. My sinus was stuffed up and my ears couldn't pop with the altitude change and about by Barnhardt it go so bad my vision got bad so I pulled over and let him drive. Almost lost my balance walking around the truck and had to hold on to it because my equlibrian was off.

Made it into Payson and stopped for coffee and a breakfast croissant at Bosa Donut and it was still giving me a problem so decided to come back down to Mesa.

That sucks. Where were you planning on going. Mostly everything is closed.


We were going to go to Willow Springs. He likes it there and I was going to fish off the shore while he Kayaked. I might also get one this summer. On the way back we were coming up that last long hill about 7:00 and near the top there was a DPS vehicle blocking off the left lane with about 15 cones. Two women and a guy were standing next to a car on it's roof in the medium. It hit the guardrail and they looked ok but the younger woman was crying. That is a sharp S Turn on a downhill and they must have lost control coming out of the last turn and hit the guardrail and flipped it as the medium has a bit of a drop off. Lost of people take that turn close to 80mph. They are lucky to be alive, very lucky. It probably happened just a short time before we came up on them. A couple of miles after we past the turnoff for Four Peaks I saw an Ambulance and then a Fire Truck on there way, lights off.

He was sick give him a brake.





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