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border hunter

Bearded hen with my 5 year old!

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Im lucky enough to have in-laws that live in turkey country. This made it easy to convince the wife to let me get a tag knowing we would have a month old baby. After church and dinner we hopped in the truck to go see if what water holes still had water. The first tank was almost empty but no sign. We pull up to the second tank and bump some elk off before we could even park the truck. We hope out and walk up to the tank that had good water and a few turkey prints. My son loves looking at all the different sign by the water and we were laughing at how fast the elk ran. We made it halfway around the tank when I heard some scratching on the other side of the burm. I ease my head up and see a hen at about 15 yards. I call my son over to see the bird and his eyes light and he starts talking quietly. I put my bino up and I see it has a beard! I get excited and think to myself do I really was to shoot a hen before I really start the hunt? But why tempt fate especially with my 5 year old there. One problem the gun is still in the truck....... while im sprinting back to the truck im thinking no way is the bird still be there when I get back. When I get back to my son and ease over the burm the turkey hasnt moved 5 yards! After making sure my son was in a good spot to see it all and that he was plugging his ears I put the bead on the hens head and let it rip! As my son said "I liked how it just felled over!" The bird never even twitched! My son is excited to have the turkey fan in his room along with the javilina head that he watched me harvest! 2018 has been a great year!




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Love hearing stories that like that with the little ones around to experience them. Congratulations on your bird.

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That's a great story! I guarantee your son is going to be hooked on Turkey hunting now. Great job and congrats on taking your kid with you! Dad of the year!!!!!

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well done! Glad your son got to see it all.

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Congrats on the bird and the great experience!

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