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Evernew Titanium Nonstick Cookset 4 DX4 For Sale

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Years ago this was the bees knees of the backpacking world.

Ti ware with non stick coating.


Purchased and used the inner (nesting pan) only 1 time. Im the original owner.

Set is comprised of 4 pans; 2 fry lids and 2 cook pots.


1.9 L pot with a .8 L fry pan or lid.

1.3 L pot with a .7 L lid.

Total weighs 1lb 2 oz


In full disclosure, the one time I cooked. I was not used to titanium and burned the eggs like nobodys business.

The non stick (ceramic) coating is still intact and the the pot is clean. However, my efforts to remove the eggs off the pan (with plastic fork and wood) created lines that make it look dirty.


This cool set is not in production anymore. You can buy the 1.9 L set and the 1.3 L set as stand-alone but not combined. Each set will run you >$80.


Asking $140, comes with the stuff sack.


Located in N Phx. Call or text 5756491372




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