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I was showing off your bull pics to my 10 year old....he wants to know how you got that bull to sit up so nicely for the picture.

He said, "Dad, did he push that bull up all by himself".......I said, "Uhhh, I don't think so but we can ask"......kids....


beautiful looking beast by the way.....

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Simply amazing! I could only dream of a hunt like that! CONGRATS!



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Cool! Gota love that rifle! ;)



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Super Bison!

But hey, Moving back to AZ?, You spent the coldest part of the year in MT and now the hottest part in AZ. One extreme to another!

Good luck

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Super Bison!

But hey, Moving back to AZ?, You spent the coldest part of the year in MT and now the hottest part in AZ. One extreme to another!

Good luck



I know, I know.. tell me about it!! Leave Az during the best part of the year to come up here to MT during the worst! Go figure, its just my luck.. BTW, it's DAMNED cold up here right now.. -15 WITHOUT the windchill.. around -25 when ya factor in both. kinda burns the lungs when ya breath in real deep!


With the housing market slump that is now upon us like the plague, I just can't be up here in MT with a nice sized morgage there in Tucson that's not going anywhere. If I'm gonna pay for a nice home, I'm damned sure gonna live there!!

Besides, I miss palm trees and my Mexican food more than I could have ever imagined!! But hey, moving back when its getting hot isn't so bad.. San Carlos, HERE I COME!!!

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PALM TREES " *#^% " Palm trees, man I'll send you some pictures! Those are just spider, roach, and bird nest! I had three and when I had to trim them I did it right down to the ground! Haven't missed them yet!!!

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Yea Scott, I know what you mean. -6 tonight and high was only 6 today.When you go outside you have to breathe through your mouth or your nose hair and boogers freeze. :lol: :lol: Nasty feeling for sure. but at least its a dry cold.

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Hey guys, not to re-hash old topics, but I thought ya'll might enjoy these pics of a couple more big boys we pulled out of MT.. LOTS 'O WORK on these bad boys!!!


This bull was old, wore out and a BRUTE!! My bud smoked him with a .50cal frontstuffer.



And this bull was the "prettiest" bison Ive seen.. Super cape on him and an abslolutey HUGE body on him!! He got thumped with a Sharps 45-70.






Take care guys!!

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All I can say is...JESUS CHRIST MAN!! Outsatanding, outstanding sir!!!!

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That is awesome!!!! One of my dreams is to take a buffalo with .45-70 Sharps! That will be some great eating!

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