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Since moving to MT from AZ back in Sept., I had told myself to make it a point to find the time and do trophy bison hunt while I was living up here. This country is steeped in bison history and I could think of no where else I would want to do such a hunt.. I have a buddy up here who ranches around 12K acres in central MT who just happened to have a herd on his property.. and within that herd, there are a handful of real bruiser bulls.. We made plans back in Sept to wait till the dead of winter to let the bulls grow their full winter capes.. FINALLY, the hunt rolled around and I headed out east to the ranch in the COLD MT winter..

We started out the hunt by stopping at the foreman's house for a cup of cowboy coffee and making sure the tractor had the loader on the front end!! After cussing the wind and the chilly weather for a few minutes, we were on our way.. We then made our way onto the rolling prairie in search of the herd.. Out here on the endless open sea of grass, a herd of 20+ bison isn't too hard to spot. You can see their hulking masses from at least 3 miles away!! We had spotted them out to the south of our location, up towards the foothills of the mountains and a good 500 ft higher in elevation than where we were at the time. With the herd now in sight, we ditched down into a coulee that paralled the herd and would take us right within shooting distance, should they not smell us.. We made our way towards the herd, periodically taking a peek at them to make sure they hadn't made us out..

When we finally got to within range, I eased the cigar sized 45-70 blackpowder cartridge into the open rolling block breach of the Shiloh Sharpes rifle I was toting.. A true bison gun if there ever was one.. As we eased up out of the coulee, we had put ourselves to within 75 yards of the feeding herd. The wind was howling out of the west, and with the wind, the herd hadn't heard us, or caught our scent.. We glassed them over and gave each bull the twice over.. Finally, with pretty much every bull within range, it was just a matter of which one tickled my fancy.. I was hoping to find a bull that was at his full potential...fully mature, with horns that weren't getting any longer, and huge body size.. There was a couple of bulls in the herd that fit that bill to a tee. We narrowed it down, and waited till one of them eased into a open shot. After a short wait, one of the two target bulls fed off a few yards away from the rest of the herd. I eased the hammer back on the Sharpes, slowly sqeezed the set trigger, and then eased the trigger back.. BOOM!! The acrid smell of the blackpowder burned my nose as the smoke came right back in my face.. The bull was hit well, but he didn't hardly react to the hit at all!! I quickly threw another round in and hit him again. This one hurt him alot! He tried to make off with the rest of the herd, but was soon wobbling on weak legs. After about 20 seconds, it was over. The old bull tipped over into the golden grass. But as soon as he did, the WHOLE herd came back and surrounded the fallen bull and started pawing at him and hooking him, trying to rally their fallen compadre back to his feet.. It was quite a sight to see that. It also made clear how a buffalo hunter in the 1800's could set off in the distance and wipe out an entire herd with ease..

When we made our way up to the bull, I was blown away by his sheer size!! He was beyond huge!! We then radioed back down to the ranch house and told them to fire up the tractor!! We took plenty of shots of the bull, and then made our way back to the barn in preperation of the HUGE workload that lay ahead of us!! The amount of work that comes with shooting an animal of this size is staggering..the caping, fleshing,boning, and packaging took us all that afternoon and all of the next day as well!! I was glad when we were do with all of that!


As I now type this, I can reflect on this hunt.. Was it a hard or physically demanding hunt? No, not by any means. But that aspect didn't take away from the experience at all. This was a hunt that I've always wanted to do since I can recall, and can now say I've done it. I probably won't ever shoot another bison, but I am glad I did it. I took a super sized bull and I'll be plenty happy with just him as my only bison I ever take.. It was a fun hunt, and a great way to spend 3 days after all the other seasons have closed.. I didn't get to hunt any big game this season because of the move to MT from AZ fell at the wrong time, so this was a great way to "feed the fire" this winter, in preperation for another African safari coming up this Aug.. A great hunt that I would recomend to anyone!


There were HUNDREDS of Sharptails on the ranch this weekend.. That's my luck though, hunt Sharpies on the ranch all season, can't buy one.. hunt bison, they're everywhere you turn!!



This was the view I had when we had finally got up on them and peeked up out of the coulee. There were about 10 others in the herd that were just outta camera view..



BIG BULL DOWN!! The Sharpe's did the trick!! My bull was estimated to be around 11 to 12 years of age and weighed right in around the 1 ton mark..a giant bull!! And from those of you who are numbers counters, he was a hair over 18" on lentgh, and had 14" bases!!



don't let the warm weather look in the pics fool ya.. it was about 24 degrees with a good 30 MPH wind howling!! It was damned cold out there!!



The ONLY way to take care of a bison in the field!! haul him off the ranch and into a barn and outta that wind!! I now have a whole new apprieciation for the plains indians who made their living off these animals..they are a ton of work, and I couldn't imagine doing one without modern convinences..





buffalo slayer...



thanks for looking, guys!!

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Scottyboy, that is an absolutely amazing animal!!

Congrats on fulfilling your dream and good luck in Africa.



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Awesome bull!! I was all set to hunt on a ranch here in NM for a cow bull for meat, last year they called and asked if I wanted a heifer or a dry cow. I of course said heifer and then they never called me back. So this year they call and ask if I want to hunt a management cow, I asked the average age, the lady says at least 9 years old. I lost interest pretty quick after that. AG

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Congrats on the Bull and with that gun it has to make it that much better.

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You are in for a real treat with those buffalo steaks. Purty Sharps to take that red-headed buff. Bet there are a lot of guys that wished for that recovery vehicle behind the cockscombs on House Rock.



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Awesome animal there Scottyboy!! I got to see a buffalo up close at the kaibab check station. I put my hand into his amazingly thick hair on his neck. They really are amazingly tough animals. Bet they didn't even notice that 30 mph wind!!



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Are you kidding me Scott???? OUTSTANDING!!!!! Man, you always come through with the amazing adventures!! Congrats on another awesome experience!!!





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Unbelievable!~ Awesome man! That will surely cure the winter hunt doldrums!


That is my dream hunt and I'm sure I'll be old and grey before I ever get drawn in Az :lol:


Thanks for taking us along on that one----!




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Thanks for all the kind words, guys!!! I appreciate it.


Doug, I'd like to go ahead and enter my kill into the CWT contest under the heaviest weight division and of course, the biggest spike contest. I think I'm a shoe in!! Foundry man, go ahead and please PM me for my address so you can get that bronze shipped to the rightful winner.. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Should I be moving back to AZ real soon, which I hope to be, (long story.. real estate :( doldrums), I'll be sure and have a CWT get together and we'll cook some bison steaks on the grill at my casa in Tucson!! I sure have enough for everyone!

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Should I be moving back to AZ real soon, which I hope to be, (long story.. real estate :( doldrums), I'll be sure and have a CWT get together and we'll cook some bison steaks on the grill at my casa in Tucson!! I sure have enough for everyone!



Are you kidding? You might be moving back? Wow, that would be quite the turnaround.


Well, I think even if you don't come back that you should send us enough steak and bison burger that we can have a CW.com BBQ in your honor out here :D




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Should I be moving back to AZ real soon, which I hope to be, (long story.. real estate :( doldrums), I'll be sure and have a CWT get together and we'll cook some bison steaks on the grill at my casa in Tucson!! I sure have enough for everyone!



Are you kidding? You might be moving back? Wow, that would be quite the turnaround.


Well, I think even if you don't come back that you should send us enough steak and bison burger that we can have a CW.com BBQ in your honor out here :D






Amanda, sweet call!

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