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.243 or 7-08 for Youth Cow

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7mm08 in my opinion. Ive seen deer lung shot with .243 go and go. Either one will work with correct shot placement.

That is the key, shot placement. I meant a local on the western slope in Colorado while hunting and that was his elk rifle a 7/08. He just chukled and shook his head at the thought of using a bigger gun.

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So many underestimate a well placed 243. Nice shooting!
I wonder if that shot would be different exactly the same but at 200 yards. Pretty impressive to see a cow drop like that with a 243. Makes me think it was the perfect distance for proper expansion for that bullet.


I have killed muleys at many different distances with a 243 either 100 or 80 grain bullet. Usually just 1 bullet hole.

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In the end we opted for the 243 which resulted in a cow down within 30 yards of the shot. It was an amazing hunt with aggressive bugles and lots of elk. We got her out in front of the herd and they all came in 40 yards away. Tons of elk and it was awesome. My buddy put together this video - it gets really good at the 2:00 mark. 



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Awesome video. There were a ton of elk in that herd. Congrats to the young lady. Pretty awesome stuff. 

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Wow, awesome experience. That herd was huge she did a great job picking one out from the bunch and waiting for a safe ethical shot!

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Thanks!  It was amazing and she’s definitely hooked on elk now. I appreciate the feedback from everyone and hope you all have great hunts this fall. 

She he placed the shot an inch behind the front leg and centered on the lung.  Didn’t get a pass through but the 100 grain partition did the job. 

I was really glad to find out my buddy was filming during the stalk and the shot. Made for an awesome memory. 

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