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Big Game Raffle Tags Example

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1st. We as Arizonians would be in the minority. Alot of the raffle tags would be won by nonresidents. Appox 30,000 non resident to 22,000 resident sold raffle tickets. Look at who wins the super raffles. Look at all the numbers on the super raffle that will be a good model of what would happen on this proposal.


2nd. How do you keep the wealthy from buying say 50% or more of any prime tag raffle and putting their odds at 50% or better to win. (Its already been done)


3rdly. They are not gonna raise enough money with basic tags. Its gonna be early bull tags and Strip and Kiabab tags and sheep tags. These will be the main income stream. Their narrative is to broad when you listen to them.


4th. I believe you have to be at the Utah expo to particapate in their tag raffles.


5th. They say they might add a week of hunting to auction tags and raffle tags?


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Yeppers. I don't believe they care one little bit about where the money comes from. It all spends the same. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought Pete mentioned they were dropping the auction aspect in the newest proposal. (Even if he did, it sure doesn't mean it won't actually be in the proposal when presented)

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  On 6/16/2018 at 12:25 AM, Ohthatguy said:

Yeppers. I don't believe they care one little bit about where the money comes from. It all spends the same. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought Pete mentioned they were dropping the auction aspect in the newest proposal. (Even if he did, it sure doesn't mean it won't actually be in the proposal when presented)

Lol it was already presented and no there was no auction tag proposed. Way to stay in the know!

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