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Fishing rocky point early may

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Anniversary next month. Recomend fishing a panga or a half day trip on a bigger boat? What can I expect to catch?

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at dawn and high tide on the rocks between pelican point and sandy beach will give you leatherjacks, corvina(edible) and needlefish. gr8 fun on topwater rippers with or without hooks. kastmasters and plastic body jigs worked fast will work. sand beaches offer very little hope except a few corvina, lizardfish and grunts. take a 5# block of frozen uncleaned squid for fishing rockbass & triggers by day and shark by night over rocky bottom. use castabubbles instead of sinkers.


if going on a panga take the thawed squid-nothing better for triggerfish and they have the texture and taste of maine lobster-devine! also rock bass, halibut and pargo, maybe corvina. the place is alive with small 3' hammerheads but most pangeros won't bring them on board.





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Looks like all the rp threads say March and April are the best. Is the fishing still good early may? Would we be better off on a day trip in lobos? If I could catch triggers all day I'd be happy. If I could catch yellowtail or grouper I'd be even happier.

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sailfish, dorado, mako and black skipjack are june, july, august and september highlights out of penasco. what could be better if you can hack the heat & humi-ditity?!? may and october are primo but still hot.




friends photo from this evening in rp


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So it looks like we've decided on sticking local to RP. Lobos will be put off til a future trip. Going to follow advice of biglakejake and couesepursuit from another thread. We're gonna target the triggers and bass to the southwest of competition hill. What type of rigs and hook size should we use? I was thinking a number 6 baitholder with a castabubble set up like a Carolina rig. Any suggestions are welcome.


I'd also like any advice on flounder rigs and where to target them from shore.

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Fishing from bottom in that area is very difficult as it is rocky and your weight will hang up 90% of the time. I am not familiar with the castabubbles so they may work. Trigger, bass and small grouper hang at the bottom. The occasional corvina hangs up higher by they seem harder to find nowadays. There are now smaller barracuda and there is always sierra mackerel. If your line gets cut off after a strike, that was what did it. Kastmasters or any type of metal spoons work well and that is what I typically use. Anywhere from 1/2 oz to 1 oz. Bring a lot as you can lose a bunch, especially from shore. Also what works for bass here can very much work there so bring your plastics and jig heads. What I have enjoyed over the last several years is taking my float tube out. That gets me away from shore and you do not lose nearly as many lures. The current moves you around a bit so an anchor helps but I have enjoying that as much as taking my boat out for the bigger species. Much cheaper as well with the price of Mexican gas. Regarding a panga, just head towards the harbor and you will find plenty of people next to their boats offering trips. Have fun!

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Corvina-maybe but definitely trigger and rock bass

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