reezenhunter Report post Posted April 4, 2018 Any ranger boat vets out here? I have an 05 Comanche keyless ignition...I'd like to know some ins and outs in running to? I guess? Anyone with some pointers is appreciate it! Feel free to pm me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adicted Report post Posted April 4, 2018 im sure delw will chime in on this one.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jim Report post Posted April 4, 2018 I have a 95 ranger commanche before the keyless ignition. If it is new to you down load an owners manual from ranger. Make sure you go thru each area and learn the function on all your switches, live wells and such. If you have not ran a bass boat before find someone that will go to the lake with you and show you how the trim and such works. They can also help you with learning the loading and unloading chores. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Delw Report post Posted April 4, 2018 if its been sitting for more than 3-6 months , or its a new to you boat ( unless you know the guy )change the impeller before you even fire it up. if its a new to you boat and you have no clue about motors take it to brent at perfomance Marine (if its a merc) they are hands down the best merc guys in this state. they only sell quality parts and do quality work. Ive known that shop for over 25 years. if its an omc or yami even a merc call ken Howden( his number is all over the fishing websites.) kens a dang good mechanic as well lots of my buddies use him. The boat it self is just a boat your main concern should be the motor as if one goes back your going to be 10k-20k for a new one or decnt used one. a little preventive maintenance goes a long way. I didn't like the key less ignition but thats me, they membrane in this heat gets to them, o if you park it outside uncover DONT buy a cover. direct sunlight for a long period of time is another killer on the boat. when you take the boat to the lake inspect your bunks on your trailer every single time to see if there loose carpets torn or have rocks or bolts sticking through the top. always keep and eye on your water pressure. no water pressure dont run it and get it fixed. its usually the impeller. I have changed thousands of impellers over the years and that is the primary problem with water. 2nd one on a mer is the popit valve. only seen maybe 2-5 cases were thermostat's are bad and thats usually on boats from the 80's so its rare so any friends or wannabe boat mechs that says its a thermostat is full of crap 90% of the time. efi motors have issue with fuel pump pressure at times so always changer your filter. keep your lower unit oil changed and line out of your prop seal, good idea 2 times a year to take off prop and check to see if line got under the seal. if it did hose the seal down with wd-40 and easlily take the line out while spinning prop by hand. chances are you wont need to replace the seal. dont baby the boat drive it like you stole it, never go over max recomended RPMS and NEVER idle for more than a few mins under a garden hows and absolutely NEVER rev the engine under a garden hose bad things will happen. in order to rev a motor up safely it MUST be under a load. oh yeah a series of beeps while your driving means oil problem one continues beep is over heat shut the boat off immediately on over heat let it cool down. also mark your oil tank with a sharpie or greese pencil (if you have one in the motor do that one also) and watch the level the times you are out fishing or running the boat. if it doesnt move in 1 or 2 trips take it to a mechanic (2 strokes need OIL to survive) what motor and hp you got on it? they sold that year with mercs yamis and omcs of coarse depending where the org guy bought it. From my experince the best colling system is YAMAHA then omc. merc leaves a little to desired minly due to the impellor needs to be changed a min of once a year. the more it sits the more you have to change them. yamis and omcs have a huge impellor and put out a huge amount of flow and psi. theres some many things that can be mentioned but need to know what motor and size. good luck have fun, you should have bought a Gambler as Hot Chicks dig Gamblers, the rest of them like rangers Delw 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
n2horns Report post Posted April 5, 2018 That is a great write up by Delw. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adicted Report post Posted April 5, 2018 Delw strikes again Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cjl2010 Report post Posted April 5, 2018 Delw, where is the fun part of owning a boat? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wildwoody Report post Posted April 5, 2018 Dam , your scaring the poop out of me , just bout the 40th anivercity bass tracker retro boat, with a 40 house 4 stroke , I'm I gonna have to do the same. I guess boat really does mean bust out another thousand.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
longshooter Report post Posted April 5, 2018 On 4/5/2018 at 3:23 AM, cjl2010 said: Delw, where is the fun part of owning a boat? The fun part comes the day you sell it 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Delw Report post Posted April 5, 2018 On 4/5/2018 at 3:23 AM, cjl2010 said: Delw, where is the fun part of owning a boat? On 4/5/2018 at 4:52 AM, longshooter said: On 4/5/2018 at 3:23 AM, cjl2010 said: Delw, where is the fun part of owning a boat? The fun part comes the day you sell it This part? Seriously boats and fishing are a freaking blast. Long shooter and I fished alot not together but against each other most of the time. that was fun, when we did fish together it was beyond fun it was down right stupid fun. he, I, Jamal, Jamie and a few others guys always had a good time tournies prefishing etc etc. its not fun when you take it to seriously .. the patch pirates and wannabe self proclaimed pros are a hoot to watch during a tourny and during the week when there prefishing hours and hours of entertainment right there. I fished about 4-6 times a week up until 8 years ago. 3-4 of those times were prefishing tournies with my kids. 2 of my kids our oldest daughter and our son with down syndrom have more time on the water than most of the adults who fish tounries and my kids also fished tournies with me. our oldest daughter was put the boat on the trailer when she was 10. I picked her and our son up everyday after school in the spring and fall in a bass boat and we headed straight to the lake till 10pm. almost every wednesday and friday nighter tourny she fished till she was about 16. kids board over the summer they would call me up and say hey dad lets go fishing. I was out the door no matter what was going on.. Heck wife went into labor early one morning with our son we figure it was a false alarm so daughter and I took off to the lake to fish a tourny. made it to bell road got a call to turn around and come home. IN the 90's I had employees so I fished all the time with my kids went to work programmed did my work thing strolled home about 4am went to bed back to work then fishing again with the kids. boats can be a pain but if you take care of them and do the stupid little stuff (impellers and minor repairs) its not bad . the other pic was fun too. our oldest daughter did that to a few friends of ours. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roosevelt Mark Report post Posted April 5, 2018 Congrats!!! This is your future.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wildwoody Report post Posted April 5, 2018 WHAT????? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reezenhunter Report post Posted April 6, 2018 225 Mercury.... Thanks for the input! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Delw Report post Posted April 6, 2018 On 4/6/2018 at 12:56 PM, reezenhunter said: 225 Mercury.... Thanks for the input! thats a strong butt motor. my buddy has a 2005 225 merc on his gambler and he doesn't get it serviced other than a few impellers. and 2 sets of plugs in 13 years only problem he has had with it since he owned it was a fuel pump. if you ever replace one its easy and cheap just dont put it in backwards like he did or you will be down for a few weeks trying to figure out what he did wrong he fished 3-4 times a week in it up until 4 years ago, then it sat for 1+ year and he might go out now twice a month. since summer is coming and he has more time he will be fishing 2-4 times a week again in it. never failed to start or run, did run crappy with a cracked membrane on the fuel pump but still ran. just put oil in it use quality 2 stroke oil not cheap crap from wallmart, auztozone checker etc and youll be good to go. oh yeah remember a 2 stroke is a high performance motor they dont like to be babied, running them at idle for long periods of time will clog them up ( the efi's not so much) but open that thing up once a trip on the lake to clean all the build up out of them. and if your new to boats, make sure you learn how to use the trim, you watch your rpms for proper trimming and the ride. not trimming correctly will make you not like your boat in the 1st 2 or 3 outings. will also load up the motor cause it to be slugish. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
el diablo Report post Posted April 6, 2018 Exactly what Del just said. I have an 02 200 merc and just change the impeller and lower unit oil about every other year wether I think it needs it or not. I only get out about twice a month nowadays. Remember its worse on the impeller if the boat just sits. I had it changed one time and then it sat for a year or so. First trip out the alarm was going off. It was a long trip back to the ramp on the trolling motor. I have them check the plugs every time they change the impeller and theyre usually good for quite a while. Ive owned it for 11 years and its never skipped a beat (hopefully I didnt just jinx myself). Great boat and great motor uve got. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites