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Knoll fire

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He's found another.. Ya but they'll sight you for a pop can. Stupid supporting stupid I guess

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There should be mandatory minimum of two years sentence for anyone convicted of starting a forest fire. In addition to the damage of public and private property, not to mention potential risk to human lives, they also usually cost several millions to fight contain and then clean up after. If armed robbers and drunk drivers have to do time, so should these morons.

That will never happen... the guy who started Sawmill fire (60k acres)... Forest Service never cited or fined him.

Aholes that started the wallow fire got two days in jail and some community service. Estimated cost to the tax payers of $109m. Dozens of buildings destroyed, half a dozen towns evacuated, 16 people injured. Two days served and community service..... what a frickin joke.

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How dumb our younger generation is is beyond me. To many Stupid folks period ,in the forrest. I say if they are caught put them in jail ,not just a fine. Not racist but I know enough of them that People from Mexico like to celabrate and are not edgucated on this matter. I have worked with them For 40 Years. Don't tell me diffferent. or racsist. And just as many dumb White folks TOO. ....BOB!

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Come on now Bob. A lot of our younger generations problems are from your generations shittty parenting.

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Wow that's a xxxx up comment. The intittlement generation, you yell at the little pusses they call the police.

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Come on now Bob. A lot of our younger generations problems are from your generations shittty parenting.

Same parents that think every kid should have an elk tag

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Wow that's a xxxx up comment. The intittlement generation, you yell at the little pusses they call the police.

Again, Most of the complaints about this younger generation are a learned trait.

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Wow that's a xxxx up comment. The intittlement generation, you yell at the little pusses they call the police.

Again, Most of the complaints about this younger generation are a learned trait.


Come on man, get "edgucated" on the real world.

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