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Club Buck Down!

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This year I was lucky enough to have a dec tag again. I went down the first weekend of the hunt and saw some really good bucks but made the decision to try and wait till after christmas to go back down. I was going to go by myself but friends Bret Prentice and Jim Mullins were nice enough to come with me. I told the guys about the spot i wanted to go and thrusday we headed down. That afternoon we saw some hogs and decided to try and find them again in the morning. Well we did. For around 6 or 7 hours we watched buck after buck walk around chase does rub trees and make scrapes. At least 3 of the bucks we figured went over 100". One caught our eyes and we aited forever for him to bed down. Bret decided to stay up on the hill and watch the deer while Jim and I tried a stalk that we knew going in would almost be impossible. What I mean is that there were so many deer it would be like walking through a mine field. Jim and I made it to the top of the ridge we thought would give us a shot but there were too many ocotillos in the way. I wanted to get closer. We knew Bret had the buck in his view and would give us a signal if things started to go haywire. It was at the backside of the ridge I mentioned to Jim that it might be the wild west when we top out and he laughed with agreement. Because at this point the wind had switched on us and was blowing directly down towards the deer. Just as we started to go over Bret whistled and we knew it was time to go. White flags were all over the place and the sun was directly in my eyes and filling up my scope with glare. Jim was trying to tell me which deer it was and I got my rifle on a branch. "What's the yardage?', i asked he said 450 to the center and 500 to the top. At this point I found the biggest buck we think and let 3 bullets fly as he would stop for a brief second. After my first shot the branch I was using for a rest broke and I slipped down on my butt. I missed all 3 times and all the deer went over the ridge. All we could do was laugh. At this point I had had my chance at a monster coues which had me excited. On our way down we stopped and glassed with what light we had left and saw 2 bucks which we knew had antlers but we could not tell how big. So yesterday morning we went into a different spot and set up. We all looked in different directions. I went up over the ridge and there was club buck feeding in the grass. i had seen this buck the night before opening day bedded with another buck. I told Jim and Bret he was over the ridge and they wanted to check him out. I had decided to pass on the deer before but they said I was crazy because of all the point s he had. So the stalk was on. Over the ridge we went and halfway up I decided if I got him in the scope I would try and take him. When we got to the top I could see deer moving in the bottom but lost them in the trees. Jim was looking through the glasses and found him feeding to the left. I was about 40 yards or so from Jim and Bret was between us running the camera. Somehow I panned left with my scope and found him. The yardage was 340 and i squeezed off a round. I heard Jim yell "You smoked Him!" This all happened so fast. Then my nerves kicked as we were all hugging and high fiving. When we got to him I realized I had made the right decision to take this buck. he is not 100 but he is awesome. Bladed eyeguards that look like webbed duck feet. He also had broke on the left g3 and on his right he had broke 2 points off. I am very proud to be able to take the buck I saw 2 weeks prior and have such mass for a smaller frame. i know a lot of you guys would call me crazy for passing a buck like that once too so dont worry if you want to rip me. Bret and Jim said I was spoiled to see so many big deer on this hunt, but I loved every minute of it. Thanks to Bret and Jim again for coming down. i had a great time and I believe they did too.post-1636-1199052591_thumb.jpgpost-1636-1199052617.jpgpost-1636-1199052655.jpgpost-1636-1199052643_thumb.jpg


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john forgot to mention this is one of the bucks that him and i found the Thursday before the hunt. nice to see what he looks like up close.

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john forgot to mention this is one of the bucks that him and i found the Thursday before the hunt. nice to see what he looks like up close.




" john forgot to mention this is one of the bucks "I found' :unsure: sounds like someones a little butt hurt do to shooting his own antlers off his own buck. :blink:

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It seems like you are a very " I " person, it should not matter with HIS story that at some point you were with him and happen to glass that buck up a week before while sitting with john.The way I see it, for him to go back down and put the time and effort in to take a buck of the caliber says something about his hunt ethic. just my 2 cents from looking at it from a distance and reading your post. if your looking for an "adda boy" here it is, good job for glassing that buck 1 weeks before and for taking a buck your self ............

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john forgot to mention this is one of the bucks that him and i found the Thursday before the hunt. nice to see what he looks like up close.




" john forgot to mention this is one of the bucks "I found' :unsure: sounds like someones a little butt hurt do to shooting his own antlers off his own buck. :blink:


Well he has to promote C&C Outfitters


Saw a couple pictures of it in the Arivaca Mercantile!

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awesome character on that buck. Good choice to not let him get away for another time.


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