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Proposed rule change - no archery hunting in 1/4 mile of residences

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If I m reading this right, this is not good...


Under A.R.S. § 17-309(A)(4), it is unlawful to discharge a firearm while taking wildlife within one-fourth mile of an occupied farmhouse or other residence, cabin, lodge or building without permission of the owner or resident. Under R12-4-303(A)(3)(h), it is unlawful to discharge a pneumatic weapon .30 caliber or larger while taking wildlife within one-fourth mile of an occupied farmhouse or other residence, cabin, lodge or building without permission of the owner or resident. In addition, the Commission is aware of instances where a hunter who lives on the edge of a municipal boundary is unable to archery hunt on his own property because Commission Order closes areas within one-fourth mile of an occupied residence. For example, a hunter who lives on the edge of a forest boundary and who is miles away from the nearest residence is unable to archery hunt on their own property because of the location of their own home. In addition, the Commission and Department have received a number of complaints about persons archery hunting near their private property. The Commission proposes to amend the rule to prohibit the discharge of hybrid device, arrow, or bolt while taking wildlife within one-fourth mile of an occupied farmhouse or other residence, cabin, lodge or building without permission of the owner or resident, to increase consistency between statute and rules. This language mirrors statutory language under A.R.S. § 17-309, which prohibits a person from discharging a firearm while taking wildlife within one-fourth mile of an occupied farmhouse or other residence, cabin, lodge, or building without permission of the owner or resident. This change is in response to customer comments received by the Department.


I read it to say that we will not be allowed to archery hunt within 440 yards of residences without their permission. If so, all of us that love hunting along the verde river for birds, javelina, deer and elk are screwed. Somebody tell me I'm wrong...


I emailed AZGFD and hope to hear back from them. The only reasoning stated is that some people have complained. Seems like a lot of us will be punished to alleviate the complaining.

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been like that in most of the "M" units for a couple of years.


Ya, rather ironic that in metro units they have this rule...

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Same rules in units around prescott after someone shot a liberals pet deer and gutted it in the park in the developement.

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This has been brought up before. Stupid rule. Calls for nuisance animals will probably skyrocket.

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Here in Mohave County there are tons of remote dirt-road "subdivisions" in good habitat that the locals hunt archery in and around for pigs and deer. I haven't heard of any bad stories of people not playing nice around here.


When they say "complaints about persons archery hunting near their private property" That is ridiculous as you are allowed to hunt ON private property if they don't post it, let alone "near" it. Its the law. Maybe they meant to say near their private "residences"?


More rules and regulations are good right?

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So if this goes into effect, imagine the phone calls to game and fish...


If you walk within 1/4 mile of private property, carrying your bow, and someone calls it in that you are hunting inside of 1/4 mile, does anyone believe they won't get a ticket? Then, it will be off to court to prove your innocence.


Because obviously it won't stop people from complaining to the department. Anti-hunters will always complain, and if AZGFD starts giving away hunting privileges just for appeasement, we are off the slippery slope as it were.

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So you're telling me, it's been legal to hunt next to houses this entire time?

Yes, with archery equipment, if you are following all other applicable rules(if outside city limits if city doesn't allow, if not on posted private property, etc).

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Hmmm....about 75% of my neighbors have 3D targets on their acreage...

It says while taking wildlife so wouldnt apply to target shooting

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As the population increases the percentage of idiots increases at a faster rate. Thus the need for more idiot laws. Bad for road hunters and people afraid of the deep woods.

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