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Good tag, good hunt, good buck, good friends.

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I will stand by your score, I shot bucks tad smaller than yours and they rounded out to 102 and 109,


Congrats on the buck, andy sent me pics of it as soon as it was killed, I was estatic thinking it was Jess's buck!


Good job on pulling it off with a booner's buck. Andy's a good one to have around, like he always says...he ain't a great coues hunter, he just has stupid luck chasing them.


good luck this Jan

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Congrats! See I told you that us old guys with out of date optics can still out glass these young guys with the 15's!

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Thanks for all the compliments on the buck. I wish I could say I had been hunting this buck for a long time like I have done for my elk but this was just a case of knowing coues deer habitat, doing my scouting by topo and aerial photo, and hunting hard. I got a couple of tips from my friend Lance about some nearby areas as well.


I've collected over 200 coues deer sheds over the years and have been trying to get a big one like this for a long time. I feel very fortunate to have finally taken my buck of a lifetime. It kind of feels like it was finally the right time. I have been trying to draw this tag for years because I knew the quality of bucks in the unit and had spent some time hunting it on early hunts in years past. This is just one of those cases where a whole lot of stuff came together....finallly.

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Seems strange seeing a pic of you with a rifle. Glad it came together for you on a very nice buck with ground swellage.

BTW, trailer lights were never designed/meant to work except when DPS is behind you.



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I have been saying for years that until I get a big coues buck I'll hunt them with any legal weapon. I would have hunted them with a howitzer if I could have but now it is back to the bow for me. Time to get a good one with a stick. I am all about fair chase and don't use radios, cell phones, or anything like that though. Are you still trad bow hunting? I'm still switching back and forth but now that it is javelina season I'll be using the Morrison Dakota longbow.

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I am still flinging carbons and cedars with compoungd and longbow, but with the Dec tag, I concentrated on the rifle this last year. I enjoy both bow and rifle. Now how to practice for that adrenaline rush when the buck finally steps out :blink: :blink: .


I drew a general pig tag so I could hunt quail in Jan, so will likely take the longbow for that hunt, although a 22-250 is calling. Either method is enjoyable to me.



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