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AZGFD Portal Issues

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Has anyone else had any problems with the portal? Ever since its beginning I have never been able to get results any faster than calling. I drew an elk tag and the only way I was able to find out was calling the 1-800 number. Portal keeps saying "we are updating system and results may not be real time" or something to that effect. Now I can't see how many bonus points I have because it says I don't have any which is a bunch of BS. How hard is it to develop a working program? The "old" online system doesn't even allow you to look up bonus points anymore and redirects you to the stupid portal.


Ok, rant over.

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Mine works fine. I think it has to do with something not matching in your account. For some reason when I put in for the draws I can buy the point guard but my buddy that I put in with can't. He has something that doesn't match which causes the error.

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It probably has something to do with your email address or your password not matching up.

Call fish & game on monday they can help you update all your info. When I send in apps

it won't let my dad buy pointguard because he won't update his information.

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Mine is the same way… It might have something to do with purchasing my license from another vendor than buying it when I put in for the draw. I am willing to bet that things will be back to normal when the results are available for everyone not just portal account holders. If not the emails receipts from the app i filled out for the draw are my proof.

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You have two portal accounts open. It happened to me and wife. Same thing. Said I have no points and didn't put in for draw. Just call game and fish and they'll merge your accounts together. It's not your fault it's they're system that had a glitch for some reason it did that. It Does not effect your draw or any of your points but you have to call to let them know and it will get fixed.

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First post. Sorry to bring this back up but some still fighting with this. My brother had a ss# account and a v# account. His bonus points did not get merged for last years draw(should be 7 this year). Last year showed 3 on v# account and draw info. Even worse he had been dealing directly with one of their IT personnel and now can only see his v# account. But it gets worse. Now it only show he has 1 point for all species(elk, deer, antelope and sheep) has no hunting history on his account. IT says they can now no longer see his ss# account. We have been waiting to put in until they get his account fixed and now it’s even worse. Hope no one else is having issues!

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G&F in Careless dont care.  They hire computer rookies from ASU and pay them minimum wage.  They dont care as they know that you all are dieing to get those lousy late ELK tags.  

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