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Heavy duty French fry cutter

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Who has one and what brand? All the $100 ones on Amazon have there fair share of bad reviews. Cal ranch has an lem cutter is that one decent?

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I'll drop her off after TrphyHnter gets done making her cut fries... because you know, sharing is caring...


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There are a couple of hamburger joints that cut fresh potatoes, maybe In-Out? Go to one and ask what they are using. Mount it vertically. Once you cut them let them soak a bit in cold water to get rid of some of the starch.

50 years ago when I worked in a burger joint called Wetsons in Levittown on Long Island we would cut them and then fry them for a minute and hang them for the crew to cook the rest of the day.

I would usually do about 50 baskets in the morning on a Saturday which would last until mid afternoon then we would do another batch which would last until we closed at about 2AM. We cooked them about 2 minutes after that as we needed them.

We cooked them in lard, changed the oil every day.

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I'm tempted by the lem because I can go get one here in SV. But the cabelas version has a wall mount plate that's pretty nice and a wedge cutter as well. Thanks for the replies.

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I'll drop her off after TrphyHnter gets done making her cut fries... because you know, sharing is caring...

i quit drinking crown with a splash of water and my standards are a little higher. just a little though

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I'll drop her off after TrphyHnter gets done making her cut fries... because you know, sharing is caring...


All that meat and no potatoes.

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