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My 2007 hunt

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Started out first day glassing. Got tired about 9:00 asked if she wanted to glass for awhile. I fell asleep and the next thing I heard was "I found a buck!" My first response was "Shut up!" (cause that was her first time glassing). But sure enough she found a nice one. We watched him bed down. We had to get closer - way closer. Got within 200 yards of him without him moving. We got impatient and decided to try and push him out - dumb mistake! I got within about 10 yards from where he was before he jumped up. She never saw him. Discouraged cause we knew to wait for him to move but anyways we decided to follow him over the hill but never saw him again. While we were already up on this mammoth of a mountain we decided to play billy goats and stay and glass down every canyon. We got to the last draw about 1:00 and decided to catch up on some phone calls to catch up on fellow hunters and lunch. I guess we were having to much fun laughing and joking about this heck of a mountain we just conquered and about 15 yards away up jumps a nice little buck. I got buck fever since I hadn't had a chance to kill a whitetail in 12 years - I had good intentions of letting her shoot first but I already had the gun and he was on the run - so 3 shots later - he's mine now. He had a nice little extra on his right side - scored about 82 in. Not bad for ending my 12 year streak.



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Buck fever gets all of us some time or another. Since you got the buck, you're gonnal pull though!


Decent little buck with some character and Nice extra trash on that right side. :rolleyes: ;)

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