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Thanks ctafoya

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On behalf of all who participated in the hunt we hope that whatever issue caused you to donate your three javelina tags is not anything to serious and that you and your family are well. Three veterans each got in a few days of hunting and we also had a hunter in training along, the 9 year old daughter of one of the vets. A couple of great guys, James and John, took the lead and got out there Thursday and set camp. I made it out Friday after noon and got up on a hill and watched over their area behind 15’s. The wind was brutal and nothing was moving. Saturday morning most of the group headed out with Fernando and Jose the 2 vets who had arrived Friday morning. Myself and another gentleman, Mike, stayed back to meet the third veteran, Joseph, and his daughter Natalie when they arrived. That afternoon Fernando bagged his pig with a .243 Ackley at 52 yards. Jose got off a couple of shots with a .30-30 but missed. We saw quite a few deer. I put in a little effort trying to locate bighorns on Picketpost so everyone could get a chance to see them but no luck there. Sunday was an absolutely beautiful day, more deer but no pigs. Natalie took an interest in checking everyone's binoculars. After using Leica, Zeiss, Meopta and Vortex Razors I don’t think Santa is going to get away with putting cheap glass under the tree for her. Joseph is hoping to get Natalie into the youth camp this December and also into hunter safety.


I believe I was the only CWT member present and felt I should take a minuet to let you know your tags went to good use. We all had a great time.





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Glad they had a good time. Nothing serious on our end, just been a busy year.

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