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Playing in December.....

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This is Ron's first coues deer. He's from Minnesota and this is his 2nd time chasing these critters (first time filling a tag). What a fun time. Also in camp was his son Luke and Luke's friend, Hugh.


Opening day found Ron and I going after a buck I found during the October hunt and the evening before. The buck never showed up that morning but he did present himself that evening. Just before we could get set up, he gave us the slip.


The next morning found us in a canyon where I had glassed up 3 bucks the evening before from the other spot. We found the bucks first thing in the am but the bigger 3x3 chased a doe all over the place and ended up taking them all up and over the mountain. We turned the opposite direction to glass some more and right away I glassed up this buck bedded in the middle of a herd of pigs. I probably wouldn't have seen the buck if I wasn't concentrating so hard on the spot because of the javelinas.


Ron and Hugh, went after the buck while Luke and I stayed back on the glass. They got over to the shooting position and had a difficult time finding the buck although he was still there, just bedded. I gathered my things and ran down the mountain to go help. Just then, I hear him shoot! Not being able to see anything through my 10's at that distance, I ran back up the mountain to get back with Luke who was spotting with the 15's. My butt and legs were so sore from that trek the next day!!


Luke said he lost sight of the buck and Ron and Hugh said they thought they hit him. I watched for a little longer as Ron started the trek over to the buck. Not 15 yards from where the buck was bedded, I found him standing, looking directly at Ron as he was hiking towards him. I couldn't get a hold of Ron to tell him that the buck was up but I did reach Hugh. Hugh couldn't see the buck and Ron was still walking towards him. I just knew this buck was going to bolt at any moment! As I'm watching the buck, all of a sudden, I see him drop to the ground! Then about 3 seconds later, I hear the shot ring out. "We got him!!!" I tell Luke.


Turns out, Ron happened to look up the mountain one last time before started the ascend up and not be able to see the top anymore. He just so happened to see the buck standing there and dropped the buck at 300 yards.


The long hike to the top seemed like it took forever but we made it. We thought we looked everywhere but couldn't find a 1st bullet hole. Finally, after a little more searching, we found a small entrance hole in the crease of the back leg/gut. Sure enough, he hit him the first shot. The buck immediately bedded and stood back up when he saw Ron walking his direction. That's when Ron found him and put the second shot in him.


This is Ron, Luke and Hugh.




This is myself and Ron, me holding his buck.




Hope all of you who are getting out this December are having as much fun as I am!

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That buck is a stud! Great job guys.

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