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Been trying to get ahold of him to no avail. He called me today from his cell phone, and as soon as I picked it up, no one was there.Kinda makes me a little worried to tell the truth! :D

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I went out with Doug Saturday evening, all day Sunday and Monday Morning. We saw some good country but no bucks. Saturday we weren't in the greatest spot but still saw if I recall correctly 5 does and 2 fawn. After it got dark we moved to a new location for Sunday and glassed up 18 does and fawns in the morning. Sunday evening the wind came up a little and we only saw one doe and fawn. Monday Morning the wind was blowing pretty good and we saw about 10 does and fawns.


All he need is for one of those does to get hot and the bucks will start showing. Said he will be coming out on Friday and will be returning after Christmas if he needs to.

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It should be soon, out of the 51 does I have seen in the last few days, only 2 of them were hot and bucks were chasing them. Best of luck to Doug, he will hold it out til the end I'm sure of it

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Just got off the phone with Doug. He's found a few small bucks - spike, few forkies and one 70ish 3x3. He's moved to a new location and will be heading home tomorrow for the holiday then back at it after Christmas.


He also said that Rica is having fun with the bird during the mid-day.

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I was thinking about Doug while sitting in my glassing spots last week........I could see his unit from where I was at and he had alot more snow on his mountains than I had......I was jealous ;) Hope he hammers a good one! JIM>

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Yoohooo? Douuug? Don't you know you are suposed to post as soon as you get back and not after you shower! :P


"Mid day bird hunting" while you have a Dec Coues tag in your pocket? :huh: Dude, that dog better lick your toes clean every night for that one! :P




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Any word on how hes doin??? Just kinda wonderin.

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I think today would have been his first day back out after the holidays. He hadn't seen anything big yet. He did say something about spotting a mountain lion the other day. Only got a brief look at it.


He was going to hit it hard 'til the end of the season. He's got some CW.com'ers going down to help him out. I hope he tags a nice one!



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Yesterday morning, 10 minutes into the hunt my set of Leicas find a GOOD buck... im talkin 1.5 miles i can see good main beams, width and mass... off we go! to no avail!


Today: small buck 15 minutes into the hunt and thats about it.


its tough out there! Between yesterday and today, we did about 16 miles. Its tough out there and its not from lack of trying!

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