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Not really, some years they don't even kill at all, which would be rough after a long wait to get the tag. Very low density of animals around here but it can be done if you scout enough and have alot of time to hunt, per usual on harder hunts. A buddy didn't kill on the muzzy a couple years ago. Here are some screen shots from the survey harvest data. 2 of the last three years they are reporting zero hunt success. Our region's game manager says on hunts with tags this low they call all the hunters to get good data. On the survey screen shot, the first column is bucks seen(1 buck in 2014, 2 in 2015!), the second column is does seen.



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Ok thank you Would there be one that has about the same draw chances but more animals

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Ok thank you Would there be one that has about the same draw chances but more animals

Basically asking if there is a unit that has good draw odds with a lot of antelope. No is the answer. There isn't an antelope tag good or bad in az that has good draw odds.

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Ok thank you Would there be one that has about the same draw chances but more animals

Wyoming. Still pretty cheap, good draw odds, tons of antelope.

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