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Trophy documentary

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I saw this documentary the other day on CNN and just got finished watching the interview with the directors. I really like the interview and it actually seems like the directors "get it" and understand why hunting is a viable way to conserve animals. I don't think this came across nearly as well in the documentary as it did in the interview. I hope a few of the fence sitters see this and support hunting in the future.




You guys/gals in Arizona will need good luck in your fight against the mountain lion and bobcat hunting ban. The more people we can get on our side the better.


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The new blackfish, its them dang pouches, but why kill an elephant? at least they had some smart guys sticking up for the hunters.

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That "film" did absolutely no favors for hunters, unfortunately.

The PH (and his safari company) who guides the TX hunter on the elephant is a great guy, although that scene was a really tough watch. If anyone cares for their info, message me. In addition to the almost non-existent free range hunts they are licensed to offer on the Caprivi strip, they have a couple huge concessions outside Windhoek.

Part I enjoyed most was the croc "hunt" in the dirt tank in the middle of nowhere, with the croc they relocated from a farm. After he had shot it once, it came up on the other end of the pond and they were dumb enough to ask if it was his. Well duh, do you think there is more than one in there?!?

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The interview you linked to was a good watch.


Great example of how if some of the folks who are so opposed to hunting do some homework, they will understand it's more than just senseless killing.

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