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excelent deer.. didn't i just see you in trophy hunter? i want to know how you got your skull so white and clean. i boil mine and it never looks that good and the skinny nose bone always breaks. plz resond

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excelent deer.. didn't i just see you in trophy hunter? i want to know how you got your skull so white and clean. i boil mine and it never looks that good and the skinny nose bone always breaks. plz resond


Thanks. I actually didn't clean it, we had a cook at the ranch house we stayed at who boiled it for me. She has broken the nose bones on us before so this time we told her to boil it very slowly. She let it simmer slow for a few hours and then turned the heat off and let it soak overnight, and then started on it again the next morning. When she handed it to me that afternoon I was pretty impressed! It was the best job I've seen her do. Sorry i don't have any other tips, as far as i know she just boiled it and scraped. And yes, that was me. I've had a lucky year ;)

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OMG! Kevin that is a monster! I'm jealous as heck, what a stud buck for sure! Huge congrats! JIM>

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I did think of one thing that helps us when we boil the skull, and that's take the brain out. If you leave the brain in when you boil it makes a giant mess. The brain must be real fatty because when you cook a skull with it in it gets white greasy stuff everywhere and makes the rest of the skull hard to clean. It's really simple to take out "raw", just slip a piece of wire or even a small stick in there and break it up and it comes out pretty easy. We also try to get as much meat off the head as possible before we boil as well. Hope that helps.


OMG! Kevin that is a monster! I'm jealous as heck, what a stud buck for sure! Huge congrats! JIM>


Thanks Jim! Have you guys gone down to Mexico yet?

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