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 Everything they want to do has already proven in other states to unbalance, hurt and disrupt the lives of all animals and nature. Which in turn negatively costs and effects everyone.  Don't let them push our state around with their misleading delusions. Decline to sign!



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Besides passing this on what else can we do? Who signs? How does that work?

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The public must be educated as to why this will negatively affect the future of all wildlife and habitat in AZ.

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Congrats Arizona! Keep it up! They will be back.

Don't let them lie to you!

We need to educate the public that cats and coyotes and other fur bearers are also used for food. Uneducated people will often inquire "if we eat every animal we harvest" in hope to condemn us with their self judgments. Well, yes we do! We do it directly and indirectly. There is the direct eating of animals meat like is common with elk and deer that feed millions of hungry people each year. And then there is the Indirect eating of animals like fur bearers, that also feeds and supports millions of hungry people each year. Meaning that we can sell the fur of that animal and use the money to buy a whole shopping cart, a whole week or whole month's worth of groceries. So in fact, fur bearers are not being wasted just for their fur like the uneducated are preaching. In fact, those animals are being used for more substance for our lives and Families than just their meat alone can provide. Not to mention that their fur also then goes on to provide natural, environmentally friendly clothing for the whole world! That's respectfully using nature's renewable resources to its fullest.

Hunters, fishers and trappers have a true understanding of, and with that comes a true love of nature. We have the abundance of wildlife and habitat that we do these days because, hunters, fishers and trappers not only pay the bill for the conservation and balance of it, they also provide the manual labor required to sustain it.

If you take this support and conservation away by banning the harvest of certain animals or all animals, you will upset the balance causing all wildlife and their habitat to suffer and be lost in the long run. Nature IS The Hunt. Nature doesn't balance itself nicely on its own. That is a foolish misconception. Nature is full of extreme and cruel highs and lows that cause things like overpopulation and mass starvation. The fact is that​ humans are part of this Earth. Humans aren't going anywhere and so we need to live with nature. Well, it is also fact that humans are the only ones that can balance and conserve wildlife and their habitat. The only way we can live with and have the abundance of wildlife and habitat that we have is if we continue to manage it. Remember that this management that uses hunting, fishing and trapping as precise tools is why we have the abundance of wildlife and habitat that we do in the first place.

So, in the future, even if you think you are doing them a favor, please understand that if you vote to ban hunting, trapping or fishing, you are taking away the support and ability to conserve wildlife and their habitat.


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I wish More Hunters would get involved in this ,and guys let us know how....Thanks.............BOB!

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