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Draw odds???

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I love the draw odds in the regs! Like the old saying 5 out of 4 people can't do math sure apply here!! There is even 400% draw odds!

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The draw odds are correct: 400% aren't going to draw and 100% are going to draw.

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Ok let's see there are 75 tags 369 first and second choice applicants and 224% draw odds! How is that right??

It's the new math they are teaching in school.

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AZGFD Commission policy = give good pay to the suckups and chair warmers in carefree (careless) and poor pay to the people who actually work.

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I just put in where I want to hunt and if I get drawn I go hunt. Not a lot of thought process in my draw process. I still manage a decent elk tag every 3 to 4 years. The wife has drawn 10 archery twice in 5 years. I have had 22 and 10 archery tag in the same time frame with a 18a any elk tag thrown in there. I think for many the whole percent chase is just part of the draw process to help them think they are involved outside of putting in and praying they get drawn. Besides what else would we talk about in here between hunting seasons. Good luck to everyone no matter what your system is I hope the new year brings many tags to everyone.

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I just put in where I want to hunt and if I get drawn I go hunt. Not a lot of thought process in my draw process.

exactly mine as well.

and I always put in on the last day cause a buddy usually calls me to remind me ;) this year i have a feeling he is going to call me a day late on purpose.

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