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Foundry Man

Bronze Coues Sculpture ( part two)

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This is the mold after it was done being dipped (about 2 weeks of dipping)



you can kind of see the head and antlers



we load up the furnace with the molds.....




This is the mold being "fired", there are holes I drilled into the mold, the hot wax is pissing out of the mold and therefore is "lost" (hence the term "lost wax" bronze). The mold will then be hollow. The molten bronze will then go in and fill that negative space. HOPEFULLY, that is. There is alot of room for screw-ups. So, keep your fingers crossed........... To be continued...Jason

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4_1_3v1.gifThis is SOOOO cool

15_4_1021.gifHey Jason or Amanda, Maybe you could link the posts or just have the first one continued so other people besides us junkies know the steps.

Just a thought,


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