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Cordless Drill Question

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Weird questions but maybe you guys can help me with my ethical and technical questions...My wife bought me a cordless drill from Amazon for Christmas. Was hoping I would get the Brushless motor version of the drill but I received the Brushed motor version (wife has no clue about stuff like this). Every review I have read says the Brushless is more efficient and more powerful. They cost exactly the same and both come with the same accessories. I am not a contractor and this thing will only see occasional household use. Would it be a jerk move to send it back and get the better one or should I just be happy with what I got? Am I even going to notice a difference? The brushless is lighter, has more watts, and can drill almost twice as many holes on the same charge as the one I got according to reviews. I kinda feel like Amazon pulled a fast one with them both being the same price and available on the same page. What would you do?

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I make sure to keep an open and honest dialogue between me and the other half. I would have no problem telling her that the other drill is better and costs the same. It might be in your best interests to sugarcoat it a little and blame Amazon for trying to dump old stock and not educating the buyer. haha. I own both brushless and motors with brushes. As a homeowner, I doubt you would ever be able to notice a difference, but why not get the most bang for your buck.

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Ya dude tell the wife and get the one you want. My wife would have just shopped online with me and called that a gift because she knows I am analytical about gear and would never attempt to buy me a surprise. Cudos to your wife for giving it a shot. It's not like she gave you her dads hairloom drill. Haha

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This is one scenario where online shopping sucks (buying shoes is another). If she bought it at Wally World or the HomeD I would have the better drill already. Walk in with drill, ask an exchange or store credit, walk out with the better drill. This way I have to basically tell her that she picked the wrong one (I need the order number), box it back up, wait for the credit to show up on my account, then buy the other drill. Meanwhile I risk hurting her feelings for my own peace of mind. Probably just going to hang on to it.

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My guys replace brushes every 10 years or so and use the drills every day making custom furniture. We use Panasonic and Makita but all of the new drills that are lithium ion will be good.

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Forget the feelings, why waist money if its not what you want. I've been married almost 25 years and my wife would have the same opinion. If she didn't I would change her mind.😏😜

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Weird questions but maybe you guys can help me with my ethical and technical questions...My wife bought me a cordless drill from Amazon for Christmas. Was hoping I would get the Brushless motor version of the drill but I received the Brushed motor version (wife has no clue about stuff like this). Every review I have read says the Brushless is more efficient and more powerful. They cost exactly the same and both come with the same accessories. I am not a contractor and this thing will only see occasional household use. Would it be a jerk move to send it back and get the better one or should I just be happy with what I got? Am I even going to notice a difference? The brushless is lighter, has more watts, and can drill almost twice as many holes on the same charge as the one I got according to reviews. I kinda feel like Amazon pulled a fast one with them both being the same price and available on the same page. What would you do?

Your a victim You should get a lawyer and sue both your wife an amazon.

then you do the following , Stay in the Kitchen were you belong and report Immediately to Fagbook ......


Dude are you f'n serious. its for household use, it will probably get used once a month if that, even if it was commercial use you would never know the difference, your like a spoiled little brat you saw something bigger and better and now looking for excuess's to justify a different one. and your claiming Amazon pulled a fast one thats just ludicrous Then you have to Ask this stupid question on A hunting website


Bah Humbug


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Where'd this Delw dude come from? I thought I made some annoying posts but dang. . Life must suck being so negative all the time. Kind of reminds me of that rifleman dude that got kicked off for being a grumpy old man wanting to fight everyone.

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Weird questions but maybe you guys can help me with my ethical and technical questions...My wife bought me a cordless drill from Amazon for Christmas. Was hoping I would get the Brushless motor version of the drill but I received the Brushed motor version (wife has no clue about stuff like this). Every review I have read says the Brushless is more efficient and more powerful. They cost exactly the same and both come with the same accessories. I am not a contractor and this thing will only see occasional household use. Would it be a jerk move to send it back and get the better one or should I just be happy with what I got? Am I even going to notice a difference? The brushless is lighter, has more watts, and can drill almost twice as many holes on the same charge as the one I got according to reviews. I kinda feel like Amazon pulled a fast one with them both being the same price and available on the same page. What would you do?

I can understand the mental gymnastics, BTDT. Seems simple, but you want to do the right thing, and also be considerate (which is commendable). I would just use the &&^%^%^I( out of it, every chance you get, building and maintaining, and when it slows down, you will be well-positioned to upgrade with her support. And she will be gratified you got so much use out of it, and that she was so smart to get you something you liked. It is only a tool. Probably not worth - well, you know.



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